Spia, Nubs & name of the baby

Usually it will take 40 days for a dessert storm to last but now it just stayed for several days and after the devastation. Wadi Halfa ended up looking like catacombs but with sand all over the place. Henshupta couldn't open the door nor the windows since the inn has been covered with sand. Spia woke up and thought about the queen. She stood right then and there hoping to get out of the barn right away. Spia ran to a ladder at the barn placed near the horses stable. Spia checked how bad the storm has hit the city. It was bad but not really new to us nor the Sudanese. Spia jumped out of the stable's window which is just about eight feet. The sand that covered the stable door made it easier for her to walk pass by it.

Your royal highness!!!!, Spia called out to Hekanefer. The prince thought he knew the voice and where it's coming from. Spia!!!! Thank the gods you're safe. Erh…Where's Queen Henshupta?

Yes, about that, I was buying for our three day meal when the storm started. She is in an inn near here. Let's go, she might need help getting out of that room with all the sand all over the city, Spia said running towards where the inn is located. Hekanefer and his troops followed Spia and when they arrived at the place. It is all covered with maybe an eight ruler feet thick of sand. It may take a day or two to scoop the sand off the room.

Henshupta, my queen, pharaoh, are you okay, there?, Hekanefer shouted after instructing his troops, about ten of them to scoop off the sand to save the queen.


Yes prince, I am alright! Is Spia with you, is she alright? Henshupta added laughing and felt relieved that they were able to come for her in time.

I am alright, my queen! We will let you out in a while. Just stay put. Are you hungry? I bet you are with the kid in your belly, he or she must be starving to death!, Spia laughing and Hekanefer's eyes rolling with tears. Okay, come on, use my chariot to barge in and scoop out the sand. They tied a rope to one of the windows so they can pull the queen out instead of forcing their way in through the massive sand covering the room of the inn. Well get on with it!, Yaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!, Hekanefer ordered his troops and climbed to his chariot to pull the rope tied up in one of the windows.

The window forcefully broke and opened a small space. Henshupta shouted that she is indeed very hungry and the biscuits Spia left is just a snack for her and her baby. Everyone laughed and Spia with a rope tied on her waist pulled Henshupta. They needed to escape fast since the room is filled with sand that it might collapse anytime now. As soon as the queen and Spia were pulled out the room caved in. Henshupta already placed all her and Spia's stuff on the big bag she has wrapped around her self.

You are an innovative queen indeed. Thank you for saving my things!, Spia said and hugging the queen. Hekanefer smiled and moved in to give her queen a quick hug. I missed you so much Henshupta! And, how are you little baby, my soon to be "sebou"? Hekanefer kneeling down in one knee to hold Henshupta's belly and talked with the child inside it.

Henshupta giggled when the baby leapt for joy hearing its dad's voice. It leapt for joy hearing your voice, do you feel that?

Yes, its heartbeat is so strong, this child will be a powerful one! Her name will be, Hekhenshepsut if a girl!

And Hekamnotep if a boy!, Henshupta added remembering her father and she is missing him so much. She can't wait to hug him again but learning from Spia that he passed on has instantly killed me right then and there. I should have been there to protect him. Yet, the gods must have some good brought into all these and in time I will understand my purpose as pharaoh of Egypt.