Love, Friendship, Betrayal 2

I remember Jardin-Ur when we were little, he is so brave that he wanted to save Egypt from enemies especially from the Hittites and the Nubes. I used to lay down the ground as we talk the break away with him after we practice new moves for battle using axes, short swords and javelin. He is a cute young boy who had a crush with Nunnapura. I felt sad when Nunna fell for me instead of him. Yet, it didn't tarnish our friendship. However, now, it's different. Is he still the person loving and faithful to me when we were children? I can't accept the fact that since he became general everything changed. I don't think so, Jardin-Ur is still the same boy I used to fight and practice with in the battlegrounds. Spia came up to me since we were all resting for the night. It's been days since our travel to Cairo. Spia was holding a cup of tea and she handed me one. I was a bit cold, though, it's hotter and dry in the afternoons but colder during the night near the Nile.

I believe the general has still that good in his heart. I know my Lord, that he will come into his senses and fight for the right and the good battle!, Spia said and held my shoulder. I smiled and thought, I hope so. I hope you're right Spia. I hope you're right.

General Jardin-Ur readied himself, wearing his new silver armor which is fully furnished and made just for him. A perfect fit for a general and his family is so proud of him since he is protecting the people of Egypt. He vowed to die for his principle and his honor isn't compromised if it's to protect Egypt and its people. The spies told him several days ago that the Nubian troops of fifteen thousand will come and wage war against Egypt. Though, he didn't know that Henshupta is among them, he still believed that pharaoh will come after him and it's soon.

Henshupta, Hekanefer, Spia and the prince's few soldiers travelled the sandy desserts of Cairo. When about to reach Thebes, Hekanefer saw his general coming to him aboard one of princes royal horses. General Wetwa told the prince that General Jardin-Ur has five thousand infantry, since the generals for chariotyr and navy didn't dare to fight us who were believed to have supernatural powers (haha!). Jardin-Ur's heart was broken to hear his friend generals abandon him but still gallantly prepared for battle at Thebes military front. He and his battalion had been there fifteen minutes ago.

Henshupta told Hekanefer to spare Jardin-Ur's life, though he hasn't seen him in person, his changed heart wouldn't want to kill his beloved's best friend. The Prince of Nubia held an order that General Wetwa will send only the five thousand soldiers out of the fifteen he asked for a couple of days ago. He said that we should be fair and General Jardin-Ur is a fair man though I didn't like his annoying air, he is still a great soldier and deserves a good win. However, if he strikes us back here and move forward I will not back down without a fight.

'I am prince of Nubia and we are not cowards. We fight to protect our soldiers, people and especially you my queen!', Hekanefer added looking at Henshupta with worried eyes.

Spia and Henshupta held their swords; knives and other weapons to protect themselves against anyone who would strike them. General Jardin-Ur ordered the infantry division to kill the pharaoh and…

Spia attested that he wanted me dead but 'I still don't believe my best friend would order such a cruel and heartless thing', I almost cried thinking about how Jardin-Ur's acting lately, maybe it's still about the deal with Meraek or what. How could he murder his best friend over a girl or power?

Spia advised Henshupta not to fight since she's in a delicate condition, but pharaoh is determined to fight for Egypt. Prince Hekanefer is now preparing his soldiers to attack Genera; Jardin-Ur's troops.

Men, we are here to fight not for ourselves but for our families, people and our Nubia! May Apademak protect us! Let's fight for Nubia!! For Nubia…., Hekanefer shouted and when the soldiers replied with shouts of agreement. General Jardin-Ur motioned for his infantry to charge as Prince Hekanefer moved his horse forward and his troops moved along with him. Both sides and kingdoms soldiers and leaders ran, moved fast, carefree and brave. They were all pumped to fight their enemies that each soldier wanted a taste of each's blood, and it's now or never.

Back in the Palace at Thebes. Meraek is worried, praying to the gods for Jardin-Ur's safe return. She is thinking about what he said to remember him and continue to live life happy and all that. She loves Henshupta but knowing the sweet and caring side of Jardin-Ur I want him to live and still love me just as how he treats me, like a queen of his heart. I miss him so and I think I am in love with him now!

Jardin-Ur will see Henshupta as he was about to strike the pharaoh, he saw another Nubian soldier to kill his friend the queen, so instead of doing what he has set to do, he protected Henshupta and yielded his sword and struck the soldier to death. But seeing Jardin-Ur charge against Henshupta, Hekanefer was standing a couple of feet away from the queen yet saw different in his angle and by impulse immediately set his bow and placed an arrow just a couple of seconds the stick hit the general at the back going through the armor. Hekanefer did this instinctively to protect his beloved, Jardin-Ur paused a little when the arrow hit him thus went out of his chest. Henshupta saw everything that happened and ran towards Jardin-Ur who was bleeding and now lying on the ground with his head resting on the queen's knee.

Hi, Henshu, my friend (cough, cough!) How are you? It's been a long time!, Jardin-Ur said in a slow, steady but rough voice. He couldn't breathe and the pain he is feeling is so excrutiating he wanted to die right then and there, now. Stay with me Jardin, please!, Henshupta said crying and holding his bloody hand. No, I have been cursed by the gods because I was unfaithful to you and Egypt. Forgive me! Please take care of Meraek for me, huh! Khonsss….Haaaa….you have grown so beautiful and strong my queen! Thank you and I…love…you!!!, Jardin-Ur gasping for air, gave Henshu a little smile and breathed his last, his eyes moving upwards, after coughing blood, he transpired.