Historical Battle

Pharaoh Henshupta strategically built fortresses on all four corners of the border to defend Egypt from pre-emptive attacks and Xerxes knows this too well so he made sure that his troops won't come near the locations where the fortresses stood. Henshupta knows Xerxes too well to just fight Persia inside the border and the fortresses. She is too smart to be defeated easily and Xerxes thought of that but not all too well.

Taklifa (Charj)!!!!!!!, I shouted and my foot soldiers, warriors moved forward. The chariotry, navy and army generals waited and charged as enemies added up from one end to another.

Aishhan Jundaa (Charge my soldiers) !!!, General Hydra seconded.

The battle has begun. Xerxes is in the far end of the dessert calmly looking at the battlefield, focused, observing, monitoring, waiting patiently for me maybe or for that epic moment for me to kill him or him to kill me.


Kill them…the head of Persia's brigade shouted while our foot soldiers are charging and protecting our line of warriors and soon the charioteers, navy, army….

Each soldier fought well and each side didn't want to lose. One warrior kills a Persian and another blocks an Egyptian strike.

It was a good fight but needed to rest since several soldiers got wounded, others died on the spot.

Both Persia and Egypt's medical personnel helped lightly and heavenly wounded soldiers. doctors and nurses are tired but they needed to care for several to hundreds and counting of dead or wounded heroes and heroines of both nations.

Gonnnggg!!!, the alarm that sounded that Persia is stopping the war. We have been in the battle field for five days now and I don't know if I have eaten or drunk water. I just knew that I have been fighting for forever. I saw Hydra and she is all bloody and messy. Her armor is in reverse. What could have happened to her? Was she hurt? I am feeling my hands and chest but couldn't feel my right leg. Aha, I have been hit with an arrow! Ahh that's why I feel so numb in that area, I thought while pulling my leg and calling out for Hydra. She looked at me and then she fell. I called out for help !!!!

Huh, huh…ahhhhh!!! Hydra!!, I…I woke up and saw myself in the infirmary. Your highness, General Hydra is alright, she is recuperating in the other room with her family. Family, okay! Good!

How are you feeling, honey?

The voice sounds familiar and I turned to see her and my baby.

Meraek, hi! I tried to sit up but my priestess held my arm and stopped me then kissed me in the cheek and lips. She is hugging Jaur in her arms while crying in relief seeing me alive and well. I'm happy to see you and thank the gods for your safe return!

Me too!, I added and wrapped my arms around my family. I thought I wouldn't be able to after that five day battle and still thinking where Xerxes is. I wasn't able to find him anywhere in the field and that made me curious whether he is alive or dead now.

Oh my brother! Look who's here?, Wetwawet's moldy eyes almost lost from their own sockets when he saw…

Xerxes?????, aha! I'll be damned, he died and he is here?, Anubis said while his jaw dropped from what he thought the great Xerxes would look like high and mighty, but long and behold a man who is like a regular guy stood before them confused and lost in his whims.

Xerxes! I am Anubis and this is my bro….

Wetwawet at your service! I have been a fan all your life and welcome to the underworld!, hihihi…

With a frown, Xerxes forced a smile and grabbed Wetwawet's arms in acceptance that indeed he is dead and soon to meet the gods of the afterlife.

What have you done? You are a menace to Egypt, the world! You are accursed, you are a queen of Egypt, Pharaoh of a cursed land! Cursed land, cursed land…land….land! Haaaaaaa....no, no….no…I am Henshupta and I will make my nation great and not cur...sed!!!! Ahhhhhh…another wicked dream! Henshu sat up and held her head. Just another of those bad dreams that makes me want to kill myself and strangle that dark shadow that kept on feeding my subconscious these horrifying nightmares that I can't seem to decipher their true meanings. Hmm…..I need Meraek to do that for me, right!

General Hydra was with the council when Henshupta walked to present herself to the elders. Some stood and clapped their hands to congratulate their queen and pharaoh who succeeded winning the battle against the mighty Xerxes. Hydra followed and walked right up to the queen and hugged her. You killed Xerxes and since you have no memory of it, I'll tell you and the people here the truth behind your heroism to save your soldiers and Egypt by offering yourself to defeat Xerxes.

Day 1

We prepared to go to the frontline and gather the soldiers, the army of charioteers, foot soldiers, warriors and the navy. You and I was talking about the strategic plan to infiltrate Persia's defenses by building secret fortresses other than the ones we created near the borders. It worked and by the second day we were able to kill almost all Persian defenders near the forts and the ones that were still marching from afar that were supposed to do a surprise attack against us. But since our spies knew what Xerxes was planning, I ordered them to bring with them our 10,000 men and women to hold a surprise ambush and more than 40,000 foot soldiers, monsters and villains were killed with their heads cut off and thrown into the fires. When you, our pharaoh was about to ride you horse Xerxes was so mad at you that he threw a javelin at you from about 20 kilometers that since he is a great thrower that precision is so perfect, I saw it coming to you and took the hit which dislocated my shoulder and corrected by our finest doctor Angianasim.

Hydra? Why couldn't I remember this?