Remnants of War 2

The generals made use of the victory and gathered the Persian soldiers who fell down to their knees and begged not to be killed or spared to go back home to their homes and families. Hydra and the generals found out that Xerxes though he is a great leader was never kind to his soldiers and spend a lot on himself and his caprice but not on his soldiers food or welfare. His soldiers hated him but feared him because he implanted fear in their hearts that their love ones will get hurt if they will not follow his commands. Hydra and the generals gave the Persian soldiers food to eat and water to drink. They made sure all soldiers will be medicated and sent home to their families and live to tell the tale of how Egypt helped and fed them in this unforgettable and memorable war between Egypt vs. Persia in the history books.

Xerxes couldn't believe what happened. He looked at his past life like a movie flashing before him, though Wetwawet is happy to bring him in to the underworld, he felt down since he thought Xerxes would live longer and stronger. He thought General Hydra or Pharaoh Henshupta would come next after General Jardin-Ur.

If only I knew that I would die soon, I should've hugged and loved my family, had a wife or children or treated my men nicely, humanely!!!!. Now it's over. My life is over…, Xerxes crying, while on his knees seeing his past life and how inhuman he was, forgiveness is overrated. He knows that after this, he will be thrown into the pit of eternal fire forever. What now? What will my people become now that I have died and couldn't help or lead them?

Maybe I could something about that my dear Xerxes! But it will be costing you!

O…si ris. Oh god! What do you want of me, my lord?, Xerxes said immediately bowing and kneeling in front of the God of the Underworld. Wetwawet and Anubis were smiling when the infamous god showed up in his darkest but splendid scary entrance of grey and black smokes, like he just got out of the burning oven with 100 degrees of temp. Imagine a ghost walking out of a thousand burning hot coals and skin and body intact.

Xerxes in awe is speechless and his jaw dropped seeing the god and all ears to what his proposition is just to be reincarnated back to ancient Egypt and more.

I'll come back and kill you myself, Henshupta! You are a menace, a plague to society. A homosexual bitch!!!!!, Xerxes shouted and held my neck until I couldn't breathe and ahhhh huh, ahhh, haaa, haa, haaaaa!!!! Breathing heavily I woke up and held on to whatever I can like the blanket sheets to be able to know that I am alive while Meraek woke up surprised because I shouted loud enough to wake up the whole palace staff.

Henshu, your highness, darling, what's wrong?

Ahhh….Xerxes is alive and he's here to kill me!, I replied wet with my sweat, with cold palms and feet nervous that my number one enemy is near to murder me, and soon. Dear, Xerxes is dead and we saw his funeral months ago. Believe me he is starting to rot now in his tomb. And to hell with him for he killed many and made others suffer for his heatless rule and leadership.

What if he has changed. But came back to have his revenge against me, my people and country. He really hated me and ahhhh...I added scared and hyperventilating. My dear queen he needs to go through Hydra and many other generals to kill you. Calm down, everything will be alright!, Meraek cried and she did make sense and it's true Xerxes won't even come near me for I'm heavily guarded. Unless he looks like a maiden or a beautiful woman who is one of my courtiers or mistresses which is impossible for Yuya personally organizes for the girls that would serve the palace staff and government, or kingdom. So everything need to follow a protocol and Xerxes won't be able to get through even if he wanted or try to lie, con or deliberately do it illegally.

I decided to take a walk at the palace gardens and saw Hydra and some woman she is cuddling and tickling while laughing happily within the flowery parts of my garden. They look lovely and I hid myself when Hydra felt someone is looking at them. Hello!, is someone there? Meta, my love be careful, it's slippery there, hahahahah!

No, it's not. When will you introduce me to the queen, this Pharaoh Henshup….something?

Ah yes! Henshupta, her highness is asleep now, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow. I don't know how to say this but she is a bit uptight about girlfriends of the generals. But she is a lover, so women love and adore her so, she might snatch you away from me. Better not, I think. It's a bad idea haha!

What are you saying, she'll seduce me into liking her? aha! I'm not that type of woman, you know me!

I know but you don't know her, haha!

I was laughing when I heard Hydra ruin my reputation with Meta, ah, I remember her. She is the one Ydra's talking about. Her long lost girlfriend for so many years. Hmm!!! I see, I wanted to jump out of the tree to scare them but nah, it's better to let them alone. We have to march to Persia again this week to officially sign a contract binding them under the wings and rule of Egypt. And I need to be sound and strong by that time. But that dream with Xerxes is still bothering me like hell. He is a scary monster and I need to be careful for I know he is going to really make things happen even from the grave. He might try to kill me using other methods like a spirit thing or black magic. Haaaaa! This is crazya and getting out of hand. I better head back to the palace or go crazy over a dream.

She's weird sometimes but a nice woman. You'll like her but not a lot okay. I don't want you clinging to her when I go to Persia in a couple of days, haha!

I thought she will accompany you to Persia?, Meta asked who already wrapped her arms around Hydra and playing with the general's ear.

Yes, but I'll be heading off first to ensure her safety before entering Persia. There are still spies and soldiers who might try to hurt the queen. Just to make sure everything is alright. I volunteered to help with the search and clean-up of the bad guys before the official binding of contracts that Persia will be under Egypt's rule from that time onwards.