Special Celebration

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Presenting our queen, Pharaoh Henshupta and Princess Hekhenhepshu-Jaurdinia, Lady Meraek, generals, scribes, maidens, visitors and courtiers of the castle. Welcome!!!, Yuya proudly shouted in front of about less than twenty visitors including princes, princesses, dukes, kings, queens, generals, scribes and merchants of Egypt, others countries such as Nubia, Mesopotamia, Africa, Greece, Rome, etc.

Mother told me about the story of Moses and Joseph but what intrigued me the most is the Prophet Muhammad of Medina.

Princess Jaur, a friend of yours is here to talk to you, one of the guards called out to me. Okay tell her I'll be right there in a minute. Mother, Auntie, the generals, Yuya, Hydra and all the guests. Usually what we do in gatherings are dancing, singing, drinking, eating and the most exciting part is the story telling. A representative of Medina city of the so called nation, Saudi Arabia, is about to talk when I caught up with Elina outside of the garden near the fountain. I told the maid to assist Sir Undra at the banquet while I smilingly held Elina's hand to enter our home and lead her to the dining area of the palace. Mother ordered the huge doors of the palace to see through the gardens since the moon is full so all can witness its grandeur and beauty like it's lighting down the celebration.

Elina and I quietly walked and sat on the cushions looking at the guest from Medina preparing herself to tell their story. We are about twelve feet away from the speaker and all kept silent at the same time when a beautiful woman stood in front with all smiles.

Wow!!!, I said when Elina looked at me coldly when she caught me drooling over the lady while bumping her shoulder towards mine. Haha, I was just admiring her beauty! What?

I am Lucha from Medina. My ancestors told me a great and heroic story of a family starting off with a prophet named Muhammad with his daughter Fatimah. Fatimah has a protector who later became her husband named Iman Ali. Iman Ali is gifted with great strength that he can kill or cut and divide an enemy's body in one blow. They are from Saudi and came to live in Medina to stay and bring the good news of Allah, God, to the people….

While Lucha talks, I begin to imagine the story like it's real….

20-40 B.C. when Mary the mother of Jesus was born. Fatimah, Muhammad's daughter who is described as generous, simple, holy, faithful and brave is like the Virgin Mary, who also endured the hardships and broken heart when Jesus her son was crucified for the sins of the world. Fatmah or the "Radiant One" is one of the most influential woman and figure of courage for Islam, Muslims, Non-Muslims or Jews alike all through-out the world in the Common Era (C.E.) or also known as the Christian Era.

It is the year 602-642 C.E. when the leader of Medina respectfully accepted Muhammad to be the prophet to lead the Muslims through a religious practice called Islam. Muhammed is holy, righteous and followed the ways, predicts and scripts of God, Allah.

History will not be complete without the important people, kings, queens, prophets, heroes, heroines of the world. Each nation has their leaders, visionaries, saints, heroes and defenders who some are just ordinary people but others are from high ranking classes or societies.

Muhammad wrote a decree that Medina will be a place where all people will be equal, in faith, social class and nation. He said through God's orders that they will accept all religions and all will have the freedom to practice their beliefs there. They will act as one and will fight for each and every one in need. They will live in accordance to God's precepts to forgive the sinners, love every one and protect those who needed protection. Muhammad taught in the streets and temples of Medina. Since there are no mosques yet then, the followers of the Prophet teaches in a stone room and blesses people outside their homes or villages. Muhammad won wars for Medina and the Muslims but due to greed for money and power Muslims were divided into two.

Abu Bkr retaliated against Muhammad (when he felt his death was near) when the prophet placed Iman Ali as his heir to the seat of religious leadership for Muslims in Medina. Some who hated the idea planned to kill Ali but Fatimah fought bravely to protect her family, sons and Ali until she was hurt and beaten up since she didn't want to open their house door to capture Ali for Abu Bkr.

Abu Bkr went about his plan to steal the power from Iman Ali and stood as Muslims leader for some time. Yet followers of the Prophet questioned his wisdom and teachings. Abu Bkr always resorted to violence and death that if a person didn't follow his orders will be severed to beheaded, which made religious followers scared and turned their backs from Abu to follow Ali for the last time. But while Islam followers were blinded by greed for money and power, Iman Ali was instructed to write the Quoran (Koran) which Ali shared with the people but he was rejected once again. Fatimah tried her best to protect Ali when he was captured and was about to be killed, yet Ali asked for the Lady to rest to reserve her health to heal herself.

Abu Bkr reigned over in terror and tyranny all through-out Medina and Muslim nations. He even cut the tree where Lady Fatimah sits to recuperate. When Fatimah died she predicted that Muslims and Islam will forever be led in tyranny and violence which is true even in out time today.