
Why are you looking at me like that? Eat or your supper will get cold!, Spia said eating the soup she cooked for both of them at the inn she rented for the month.

You told me that we're going to a motel, so this is it? The queen pays you a lot more than the rest of us that you can buy this inn and more? Why bear this little …ah what is this place called anyway?, Spira reiterated irritated with the place since it's tiny and simple. There is no bathroom and she can only walk from here to there like it's the queen's tools room. And it's so tiny like about 25 square feet on every side.

Aha….I'm thrifty and I like small spaces since I'm used to sleeping on the floor anyway. I'm a slave before and I don't intend to change, for you, dear!, Spia said still sipping the soup and munching on a pita bread finishing the spicy meat dip she made while Spira is still looking at her in depth.

May the gods bless you! You are kind and I commend you, Spia! So where will I sleep then?

There!, Spia said pointing at the thick blanket spread all through-out the floor with a pillow on it.


Yes, since I paid for the inn, you will sleep there! Any questions? Okay, goodnight!, Spia added smiling and naughtily patting the disappointed girl on the head.

Yeah! Rich? my ass!, Spira murmured and went down to crawl to her blanket breathing in and out, accepting defeat and smiled. It's okay, at least I get to sleep beside my idol, she thought happily.

Spira, can you tell me about yourself, if it's not a bother!, Spia spoke as she laid herself the bed at about five feet in height and four feet in width.

Well, what to say about me and my family?! Hmm….Just like you, I didn't come from a wealthy family too. My father is a farmer and my mother takes care of my sisters while I work in the fields with him. One of my father's friend had a son who joined the army and thought of sending me to join them too. But since I was frail and small, he didn't consider me but my eldest brother Anton. He was killed in the battle when Xerxes won against Egypt and the queen. But I slipped out and joined our forces to avenge my brother's death. I wrote my father a letter telling him that I was sorry to lie about where I am and my mother was so sad when she knew about my job. So father and I never told her about my occupation. As an assassin it wasn't easy for me. I was often bullied and ganged up since I am tiny and thought of as weak o too feminine. But in fact I am the strongest among my team and can lift a man thrice as heavy as me. So I could've carried you in my arms earlier but I don't want to humiliate you in front of the people since I know you're popular all through-out Sicily and the Asia Pacific after saving the queen from the Hittites.

Thank you…Spira! Okay, let's sleep now, Spia cried.

We need to wake up early tomorrow for the contest!, Spira replied.

What contest?....Spia asked and then she suddenly saw herself riding a stallion and…Aha…..what the hell????

Welcome to one of the finest jousting tournament to show your chivalry….

Since you are a strong female I thought you can help me win this tournament. Haha! Thank you my dear!!!, Spira added laughing after tapping the horse to charge and leaving Spia speechless, her eyes widening as she sees hundreds of people rooting for their champion in the crowd. Boo…booo….! Arthur, Arthur….is one of the finest jouster there and is the favorite amongst the hundreds of competitors in the tournament.

Spiraaaaaa......… old hagggg…..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!, Spia shouted while riding a horse holding a wooden lance with her head wrapped and enclosed on a metal framed helmet and armor. Her competitor is the champion jouster in Sicily and now about to charge towards her. Yahhhh…

Arthur charged and suddenly got surprised when Spia able to avoid his lance while it tugged her shield. Spia survived the first turn. Then, while preparing for the second run and joust, Arthur's eagle eye saw strands of Spia's long brown hair visible as she swerved her shoulder to the right preparing for their joust.

My opponent is a….a..girl? Aha….and a very beautiful girl, I might say!, Arthur thought when he was able to remember how Spia glanced at him when they both fired the lances at each other. Though she is at about 15 feet from where I am from hers at the field, she has beautiful, her sparkling, sharp green eyes captivated me…wow!

Arthur smiled and grinned…this is going to be a wonderful and beautiful match or me and never….ahhh…

I need to joust and hit him with my lance towards his armor maybe at the chest or side or…. Here…..right, got yah!, Spia murmured when she incidentally hit Arthur on his chest with her lance. The force was so powerful that Arthur's armor crushed forcing him to bend a little since he couldn't breathe with the metal frame pushed hard on his chest. The knight marshal announced the third joust will be the final and winning match between Spia and Arthur. Arthur's valley and manager looked at each other since the jouster's armor is flattened and squished hard that it couldn't not be fixed even by the best iron makers or celts/armourer in Sicily.

"This is the winning match between the Spy and the King….let's have an ice breaker from our very own pride of comedies, The Clown….give him a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, princes, princesses, kings, queens and commoners...the knight marshal (referee of the joust) said while walking in the middle of the List Field (arena of the joust).