Yuna into Jaur

Waaaaah.....soon I will be crowned Queen, leader, pharaoh!? And I no longer can't afford to make mistakes in my words, acts and decisions as overall head of Egypt..., I nervously said to myself in front of my full view mirror.

True, but you are human, so you can still make mistakes!, Henshu appeared in front of my bed room door while I was practicing my speech for my birthday and crowning ceremony. Yes…ah mother, thanks!

Haha!, Jaur, always remember that even if you are queen you are still a girl who can make mistakes, wrong decisions, make your people proud or disappoint them. We royals and leaders doesn't have all the answers to everything, every problem, every calamity, or every endemic that happens in our city, country or world. But it's our duty since we have pledged to lead, protect and care for my people, my sovereign land and jurisdiction. I am confident that you will make me proud and I'm proud to say, that, you are my daughter and my baby always, aside from you are the upcoming leader of Egypt. You are first, my daughter and I love you!, Henshu added and hugged me tightly. She squeezed my arms like she always does when I was a little girl. She pinched my cheek and smiled....aaaahh my daughter is a big girl now and as if it's just yesterday when I was just carrying you in my arms, so little and cute, crying for milk or a toy you wanted from the flea market in Thebes. Ahhh….my girl! I will surely miss our fun times together. Of course we can still do them when you are not occupied running and managing the country's affairs…

Of course mother! I am still your one and only (witty) daughter who makes you laugh and cry at the same time!!! Hahahaha!!!

Definitely, hahahaha!!, Henshu replied while giggling and messing up my hair as she always do ever since I was a little girl. Motherrrrr…..

Hydra and Meta are already making the proper arrangements for Jaur's coronation at Cairo. It will be different, unlike Henshupta's ceremony, Jaur will be celebrating her birthday along with her being crowned as queen of Egypt. The King of Geneva and Princess Yuna will be expected to arrive five days from when they travelled from the Swiss Alps to Egypt. Yuna and her group consists of her ward Baltimore, her grandmother Dejavu, she also brought with her three personal guards who are masters in martial arts and voo doo magic in the likes of the Celtics. The Swiss band moved across the land to Egypt for thirty days from when Baltimore summoned the princess on top of the cold Alps of Switzerland. The King of Geneva who is Yuna's dad, paid his respects to Queen Henshupta by sending gifts as Swiss practice of fur garments, coats and boots. Hunting accessories are very popular as presents from the royals and heads of pacts in the Alps during the ancient times. The King was preoccupied by the war that suddenly broke out against the Tupi-Guarani (Amazon) tribe in the marshes of Brazil. From the ice, the Swiss Alps soldiers weren't fond of the wet feel of the marshes that they lost the fight over the tribal groups. The King of Geneva decided to retreat the battle field and joined forces with Gaule (Gallia or France in ancient times). Gallia is Meditteranea's first ally and the Celtics and Celtics Gallia are part of Europe as we call the continent today.

Father said he will be joining us for Egypt, he should've postponed the fight against Brasil.

He can't do that, your father meant well when he said that Brasil will be ours and though he failed conquering it he will have many opportunities to defeat the Tupis soon! Grandma knows the secret to every battle we have won, that is voo doo and the power of magic!, Dejavu added. Hmm…. Mother!!!! That's an ancient folklore, I don't believe in magic so does Baltimore!, I replied mocking our ancient practice. Aha!!! I didn't say that I have my own explanation when it comes to magic. I believe that there is power behind those witchy costumes but not in the magnificent omens and wands of the magicians we have in Geneva. I believe in science and magic is a heresay.

Not anymore, not this time!, Dejavu said while flipping her wrist and created fire in her hand. It was so vivid that I can see the details like burning nana's hand yet not. Ohhhh!!!!, was my reaction and Baltimore hid to himself down the ships lodge, where the low class citizens called rowers are rowing powerfully to make the ship afloat and moving.

Ha!, Nostalgia smiling when she looked at me with great pride. Aha, so you know magic, Nana? Coool!!!! Mother, I thought you are the only one who can do magic in the family?

Of course I learned everything from your Nana. Mom, thanks for the demo!

Your welcome dear! It's not only I or your mother who knows it, you too. My beloved Yuna, you have a lot to learn when it comes to controlling yourself and your energy. You have the power of the moon and mars. Use them to help others and now is the time for you to practice what you have learned in the school of Majica, Nana Dejavu added happily. Okay we will live you now, I like to sleep for a bit, my back is killing me!

Alright Nana, mom! See you later!, I replied while trying to set my palm on fire, yet I couldn't and it will always end up like puffs of smoke. I haven't tried to use my powers yet but one time I was able to do so when I tried to save an owl falling off a tree in the Swiss Alps. It glided low and wanted to rest on a tree branch but instead it accidentally flew towards that leave less wood. I placed both of my palms to create heat for the animal but it got burned while doing so. So I never tried to use magic when it comes to saving animals or people. It's too bad but I still want to use and practice using it for maybe it can help a lot of people more in the future.

I think we are living in a simulation!, Mom says that Grandfather John saw the other realm or world in the like so Mars. He teleported through time and space but living his body behind. So it means that maybe we do travel subconsciously just like when we dream whenever we are sleeping. I mentioned before that I have seen myself many times starting off from being reborn to dying and coming back to life again. Maybe rebirth is like reboot in the computer world. Why I know that technology exist? When grandmother talked about modern inventions and that magic is less popular when it comes to teleportation. Time travel is something that only geniuses like Ptolemy or Confucius can fathom.

Waaaaah.....soon I will be crowned Queen, leader, pharaoh!? And I no longer can't afford to make mistakes in my words, acts and decisions as overall head of Egypt..., I nervously said to myself in front of my full view mirror.

True, but you are human, so you can still make mistakes!, Henshu appeared in front of my bed room door while I was practicing my speech for my birthday and crowning ceremony. Yes…ah mother, thanks!

Haha!, Jaur, always remember that even if you are queen you are still a girl who can make mistakes, wrong decisions, make your people proud or disappoint them. We royals and leaders doesn't have all the answers to everything, every problem, every calamity, or every endemic that happens in our city, country or world. But it's our duty since we have pledged to lead, protect and care for my people, my sovereign land and jurisdiction. I am confident that you will make me proud and I'm proud to say, that, you are my daughter and my baby always, aside from you are the upcoming leader of Egypt. You are first, my daughter and I love you!, Henshu added and hugged me tightly. She squeezed my arms like she always does when I was a little girl. She pinched my cheek and smiled....aaaahh my daughter is a big girl now and as if it's just yesterday when I was just carrying you in my arms, so little and cute, crying for milk or a toy you wanted from the flea market in Thebes. Ahhh….my girl! I will surely miss our fun times together. Of course we can still do them when you are not occupied running and managing the country's affairs…