We will meet again 2

Toby left with Silva . The two other girls Nina and Gamora tailed from behind . They have been to camp site many times so they know the route very well . The treking and camping site are obviously different . The other noteworthy part is that the camping site of higher classes are different and boring which includes taking sample of different things including bio and ecology and making notes . However Silva being only 12 had yet never been to trek in the hilly area . However he is not lamenting over it . The only thought that is traveling his mind is how to reach ' T 1 ' point. Toby seeing him quiet tried to cheer him up .Putting his hands on his shoulder he said with an exciting tone.

" You might think that we seniors don't have any thing else to do but we have our fun . Although you can't join us in there but you can have these ". Showing him the packet of chips and the console and DVD .

Suddenly seeing the console and DVD piqued Silva's interest . " What's this DVD for ?".

" It has the , ' Granny Show ' !".

" But isnt the Granny house a horror game ? Where did you get the movie ". Silva asked him back .

" Yes but the producers of the game made a one hour live action version and it has true horror ". Toby said with a soft tone and stretching out the whole sentence . He then tried to observe whether Silva is interested or not .

" Is it after the campfire ".

" Ofcourse " . Said with contempt .

" But I would be asleep by then ". Silva said in a tone of worry .

" Hmm... ?? We can do our work faster but it will take much time to complete it by then too ". Again seeing the look of worried face on Silva he continued.

" Well we can see the movie together . I will give others after campfire . Only if...? ". He purposely paused . " If you can get me these photos of things and stick it to the file . I will complete other things by then getting us plenty of time remaining . Silva nodded and took it .

" Now go we will go to the river side ". Saying it out loud he said .

The other girls whom were behind them could not hear their talk but when they saw Toby giving Silva the ecology file they rolled there eyes in disappointment.

" Looks like Tony have little hands to help him . I hope I won't get much tired before the camp . Do you know that Pony found letter in her bag ". Said Nina .

" No way lol . Its very sad though that it is ripped off ".Gamora continued the conversation.

" I did thought so too ! But she actually accepted it ! First girl from our year I thought we will not see anyone hooked untill next year ".

" Looks like our camp site will also have some romantica ".

" Real romantica ".

The two girls started laughing and giggling after the conversation .

" These girls ". Walking not too behind them Haresh school his head and increased thebvolume of his headphones .


Two hours later.

Taking pictures of the worms and birds and writing their names Silva looked at Toby who was copying the notes from the the internet . Laying beside the smalltent

" Although I am helping him he is still copying the work from internet . I wonder how much work I would have to do. When I reach ninth ". Silva thought.

" I am lucky the birds are coming to drink water and staying for a while or else I would have been quite a hard job ".

Looking inside the books only two photos left . He could not see other birds so went near Toby .

Standing beside toby he saw garlands and plates made up of leaves floating .

Unknowingly he asked , " Does any tribal people live here ? Why these things floating in the water ".

Taking a glance Toby answered non chalantly , " Ofcourse these things will come floating . It is the tributary of Ganga where people worship and offer to God.

". It is T 1 ?!!! ". Silva blurted.

" What's T 1 ? Any type of gaming point ?".

" No it's not . Whatever do your work fast . I am going to look for the fish now to fill these two ". Point at the blank spot he said .

" Okay go to that point . You can get any big fish there for clear photo ".

" Okay I will take some photo of Dolphin then ?" .

" Good luck finding a Dolphin here ".Giving him a thumbs up he started writing again .