Heaven feel like this ?

A boy of 12 years old opened his eyes . Seeing the floor which had a beautiful mattress of beautiful peacock flooring and the hall having the lotus theme marble . He sat for few minutes staring .

" Hmmm ?". Hesitating he placed his both foot on the floor and sensed feather like softness from the floor . After walking few steps he stared and got to know how big the room is actually . There are around ten wide windows with curtains which don't even let a ray of light in to the room . Slightly moving the curtain from the window he saw full moon . Everything was silent , then a flickering of fire made a sound . Looking at the artificial fire torches he couldn't help but wonder how these were completely white . As he knew that substance which is burning gives color to the fire while like the cooking gas gives blue colour at the beginning.

His eyes twitched as he tried to see behind the torch . There was a gap enough to put two fingers between them. Although he wanted to , but he stopped himself from doing this stupidity.

His eyes then saw the bed in which he laid unconscious or sleeping( he don't know ). The bed was ancient looking but soft and was big enough for 5 people to sleep on it comfortably . Another noteworthy thing was that the bed was of oval design unlike the the square shaped he has in his previous life.

Obviously the boy in the medievel clothing is Silva ! After strolling for a while he sat back .

" I didn't know the heaven is like this ? There is a moon and even a castle here and I am in a attire like those gods children. But why I didn't get to meet god ?". As he was pondering on these silly things his head suddenly felt heavy and a stream of memories flashed into his mind , although these memories contain years of information . Silva felt like only hours have past although in reality couple of seconds have gone . After a minute he lifted his head up unconsciously and knealed down while cold sweat formed in his face and his whole body started to tremble . He then laid on his bed without making any sound and closed his eyes again .

In the morning the royal maid came to look after the prince . She picked up the bottles of medicine and put it in her wooden basket and started to put new medicine on the table beside him. She then suddenly noticed that the prince was opening his mouth a little to take a long breath. Her eyes became wide as she almost screamed . She then ran to the exit of the room and told the gaurding soldier outside his room . The gaurd tried to confirm by slightly peeking halfway the door and then head towards the corridor and dissapeared .

The gaurd that went off from Silva's room reached the court room and bowed his head in salutation .

" Your majesty . The esteemed prince of Asaka has gained consciousness !'.

Hearing his words the man on the throne with a crown and red and silvery attire stood up and asked the gaurd soldier .

" Is this true ? Prince Silva has opened his eyes ?".

" Not yet your majesty . We only observed some movements in his body . The maid who was replacing the Prince's medicine bottle is with him . We also gave orders to other miads to take care of the prince immediately ".

Hearing his words the king sat down and said in a loud and clear voice .

" The hearing is now bieng delayed to later half of the day . The royal meeting is now dismissed !".

Saying these few words he straightened his body and walked down the red carpet from the middle of the twenty members . After he left the silence was interrupted with the deep murmuring of the people of the hall . The other members of the court also took their leave after the King left .


The maid who was replacing the medicine knocked the door which was very similar to Silva's .The door opened but in the large room there was no other then a lady with a light pale skin. She looked like she is in her thirties . The brilliance in her eyes looked like she has kept the entire moon in them.

Hearing the words from the maid . Her somewhat pale face got some colour and showed some warmth .

" Go tell the medicine master Teak to come as soon as possible .I will head to his room now .

" The medicine master Teak has already been summoned . He will be there in few minutes ". The maid said not lifting her eyes even once . Hearing her words the women then nodded and started walking in the beautiful corridor .