day 1of trip (But I didn't feel bad ,)

But as soon as Jihara got up, KAKERU held his hand tightly and pulled his towards him. Jihara fell into KAKERU's lap with a thud. , KAKERU held Jihara in his lap and twisted Jihara's hand hard and said """"""""Why do you think you can refuse me? ...You have only two options, either you tell me further , or will you spread your legs for me right now...

What....what are you saying? Let me go?he says fearfully ,

Kakeru holds his tighter and says """"i don't like repeat my words,are you going to speak ahead or are you going to spread your legs?

He replied """how can you say like that, you said you don't like boy , you are not gay and you are not like gay boys, how can you spread my legs,,,, are you not going to hate this?

AHHHHH little bird,,,, KAKERU said,,,,and smile....And he takes his face near Jihara's ear and says """You are sitting in my lap right now." right now you should be afraid of me , But from the way you replied, it doesn't seem that you are afraid of me. ,,,,, So why don't I fuck you today and prove that I can spread your legs. ,,,,, Further KAKERU says in mind """""I KNOW I don't like gay boys,I am not gay,,but when I thought about little bird,,I feel different because he is different .

let me go...

It's not possible..he replied

Jihara tries to free himself,Jihara's entire face was red , because right now he was sitting in Kakeru's lap , but Kakeru held on tight ,,, JIHARA says in defeat """"Ok I will tell you what happened next. ,,, JIHARA says in defeat """"Ok I will tell you what happened next.

But he doesn't leave him....

jihara said """"I said leave me !

After that he let him free, Jihara immediately gets up from Kakeru's lap and sits next to him. ,,,, but Jihara was very quiet so KAKERU tells him ....""""Are you scared of what I just said?"""

Jihara says without looking at him """"yes,, I am scared"

Seeing Jihara's downcast face, KAKERU says """Have you forgotten what I told you in the camp?

"""he whispered """how can I forget those words ,

Kakeru says """"I told you not to touch me again, so you should have understood that I'm not interested in boys.

Again he whispered """" yess I know already!

He replied """then how can I seprate your legs???? I really hate these things,,,, I just want to fun with you... That's why I used that' word's,,,, but literally I never gonna go try this,,,,,, ahhhhhhhhhhhh ,,,, how shameful .

And once again Jihara is hurt by his words, but Jihara is surprised when KAKERU tells him And once again Jihara is hurt by his words, but Jihara is surprised when KAKERU tells him """",,,,,do you like me?

He was socked.....hmmm ,,,what?

Kakeru again said "Are you starting to like me?

Jihara replied in sad voice""""I only like him....

So why were you touching me inside the camp as if you were my lover and not Moon's lover?

Jihara was terrified, he had no answer. He looked at KAKERU with nervous eyes.As soon as KAKERU's eyes meet him... Jishaara becomes more nervous. ,

Hahahaha little bird....why you are so nervous? I am not going to beat you , I can forgive you,,,,, If you tell me what happened next , KAKERU said..

JIHARA was still nervous but he did not want to take the matter further so he said """" yes,,,, I will tell you ,,, my whole story! And sorry I will never touch you like that, it' was my mistake!

KAKERU says in his mind """But I didn't feel bad ,

Jihara further says """""That day in the library I thought that maybe Moon would notice me that day. or will see me BUT I was wrong , all he said to me was """"Are you ok? but he did it without looking at me , I was surprised because the books from the entire book shelf were falling on me one by one but he even looked once. , while he was standing just a few steps away from me , either I was unlucky or he was a very cold person , but coincidentally my luck was also bad and he was also a very cold person. , And within the next few minutes, Moon found his favorite book. He didn't stay there even for a minute after getting the book. , he immediately went there , I am still sitting among the books in amazement , but I noticed his book , there was no doubt that I was going to read that book .After this, the teacher punished me because because of me many books had fallen down and the atmosphere of the library had deteriorated. But I was happy to be punished ,

Hahaha nonsense....""little bird Are you fucking crazy? Who is happy to be punished?

Jihara replies to KAKERU """""I was happy Because I was punished to clean the library for a week , and I knew,Moon has taken a book from the library , it meant he will come back to keep the book , And my heart knew, I could clean libraries for the rest of my life just to see him , Just to see him """I used to come after lunch to clean But my luck was bad again, Moon did not come to school for the next week. My restlessness is increasing every day. , I was worried why Moon was not coming to school , From the way I saw Moon attempting suicide, I knew that he was not happy with his life. On top of that, he was not coming to school for a week. , so I was quite upset.After this I went to the teacher's office And told the library sir that some people did not return the books. ,,,, as I expected ,SIR told me """""Go, whoever has the book, take it back and keep it in the library. After this I got a good excuse to see the moon. I had decided that if Moon does not come to school tomorrow, I will go to his house to get the book back.I will tell him that SIR has sent me to take back the book. .. And he didn't come to school the next day either. , I couldn't even wait till lunch break, and I took Moon's address from the office and reached his house. ,.....

Then ,,,,,,? Seeing Jihara silent, KAKERU says """Then... did Moon talk to you this time? Did you go to his house?