Ryomen is Ramen ?

Ryo walked down the stairs with a frown . Someone was clicking their doorbell like a madman and so help him heaven , he would bite their heads off . Or his dad would .

As he got to the bottom of the stairs and to the door , he opened it with a crude insult already on his tongue . But the insult never left his mouth .

As soon as he opened the door , Milo smiled and jumped into his arms . Ryo held him with a look of surprise on his face .

" Milo ? What are you doing here ? " He asked him and the other boy gave him a sour look .

" Is it wrong for me to visit my boyfriend ? " Milo asked him .

" No , but we can't right now . My dad is home from his business meeting . " Ryo said looking behind him as if the man would appear .

" I know . That's why I'm here . " Milo said resolutely but Ryo gave him a frown .

" What do you mean ' you know ' ? " He asked his lover .

" Well , remember when you brought me here for our four months anniversary ? " He asked the tattooed boy , " I wanted to go to the bathroom but I ended up lost and found your father's study . Then I wandered around and found his planbook . I saw when he would be around and after having a serious chat with my dad yesterday , I decided on something . "

Ryo tried to wrap his head around the fact that his boyfriend had ransacked his dad's study . He knew where his dad kept his planbook and it was not out in the open , but in a drawer , under a file by the desk . No way did Milo find it by chance .

" So ... why are you here ? " Ryo asked him and Milo took a deep breath .

" I'm here ... to see ... your dad . " Milo said carefully and he braced himself for the explosion .

" You want to see my dad . Why ? " Ryo asked quietly and Milo knew he was mad .

" Well , you know that he doesn't know about us but you're going to move in with me when we go to college ? " Milo asked him , Ryo had shown him the apartment where they could stay if they went to college together . It had been really lovely but Milo had had some misgivings .

" Yes , so what ? He doesn't need to know anything . " Ryo said crossly .

" Can I come inside ? We can talk indoors . " Milo said and Ryo moved aside for him to come in .

" Look , I know you have issues with your dad but I really think it's important he at least knows about us . It's not right keeping him in the dark . " Milo said but Ryo shook his head .

" My dad does not deserve to know about us . I don't care if we get married and he isn't there. He means nothing to - " Milo jumped up and kissed Ryo before he could finish the sentence .

" Don't say that . You'll bring misfortune on yourself . " Milo said softly , " I know , you hate him or you're angry at him - "

" I hate him . " Ryo stated and Milo sighed.

" Well , I think even if he doesn't like me or us , he should know . It's important as your parent for him to know . " Milo said , " Please , don't do it for him ... do it for me . Please Ryo . "

Ryo looked at Milo , who was giving him pleading eyes and he felt his resolve crack. Damn those blue eyes ! He would lose everytime Milo gave him those eyes . But on the other hand ...

Ryo wasn't sure about telling his dad . It wasn't that he was afraid that his dad could stop him from dating Milo , nothing in this world could do that . But his dad was very cruel and if Ryo had to be honest , was like him before he changed .

He didn't like the idea of Milo knowing his cold , cruel and abusive father . Their relationship as father and son was not something he wanted Milo to know too deep about . If it had been his mother he'd be happy but with his father ... what if he said something to hurt Milo ? That was his biggest concern . Or if he tried to hurt Milo physically ?

The very thought made Ryo grit his teeth with rage . His father can hurt him all he wants but if he touched Milo ... then hell would break loose .

" Ryo ! " Milo shouted and Ryo snapped back to the present , " Are you okay ? "

Milo had seen the dark rage behind Ryo's eyes and it had made him very afraid . His dad had told him that no parent doesn't want to know about their children's partners . But with the dark look in Ryo's eyes , Milo was having misgivings again . Was this a good idea ? He wondered .

" Ryomen , who is that ? " A cool voice said getting both their attention .

A distinguish looking man was on the top of the stairs , dressed in a black velvet suit . His hair was combed back and his face was disdainful and cool as it looked at them . But when he noticed the way Ryo was holding Milo's hand , his eyes narrowed a fraction .

" Hi Dad . This is Milo , he is my - " Ryo spoke but his father cut him off .

" Bring your partner into the dining room . It is unclassy to talk like this . " Mr Yashi said and he walked down the stairs and turned the corner without turning his back .

Ryo and Milo followed him into the dining room , both their hearts beating fast .

How did he know they were partners ?


The Yashi dining room was large , with dark blue walls and an oval wood table in the centre . The floor was polished maple and the walls had photos of beautiful landscapes , with not one photo of family moments . A chilly air was in the room but neither boys knew If it was because of the room or the person who sat at the head of the table . Mr Yashi sat at the head of the table whilst Ryo sat on on his left and Milo sat next to him .

Mr Yashi looked ahead of himself , his eyes narrowed and his mouth a tight line . Ryo was looking at him with suspicion and hostility , whilst Milo was glancing at them both , noticing the similarities and the contrasts .

They were both handsome , and Ryo's dad had dark hair and for a moment , Milo wondered what Ryo would look like with black hair .

" Well then ? " Mr Yashi asked them both .

" Well what dad ? " Ryo said and they both looked at each other with a frown .

" It is nice to meet you , Mr Yashi . " Milo said to break the tension .

" And it nice to finally meet you Milo Saki . " Mr Yashi said and Milo gave a surprised look , " I researched into you when I found out my son has a lover . "

" You were spying on me ? " Ryo asked Indignantly .

" I was . You have proven before you can't be trusted . I thought you would know I was watching you . I'm disappointed you weren't . " Mr Yashi said and Ryo gave a grim smile .

" You have always been disappointed me , haven't you ? " Ryo asked him .

" Only because I want the best for you ." Mr Yashi responded calmly .

" No , not because of that . But because you have insane expectations of me . Like how you made me dress in ridiculous clothes when I was young . "

Milo looked him in question but it was Mr Yashi who spoke .

" In life you have to dress for the job you want . And your grandmother found your business suit to be very lovely . " Mr Yashi said .

" A business suit ? At age seven ? " Ryo asked him and his dad just nodded his head .

" You were hardly easy yourself . I expected you to be a prodigy but I was disappointed again . Remember that thing you cooked at your first baking class ? " Mr Yashi asked him , " I still do not know if that was a cake or a pie . "

" It was a so- " Ryo tried to talk but his father cut him off again .

" It doesn't matter . You still won in the end despite your failures ."

" Maybe it was because of the ridiculous name you gave me that I disappoint you so often ." Ryo said through gritted teeth .

" What's wrong with Ryomen ? " Milo asked him .

" Ryomen is my new name . When I was born , my father named me Ramen . " Ryo said and Milo swallowed his laughter .

" A classical name . I wanted you to succeed in cooking aswell as life . " Mr Yashi said .

" You see everything as a competition . " Ryo said with a glare , " I remember when I asked you for a bike to go to school , you bought me a latest edition from over seas . "

" Why settle for common when you can have something classy . " Mr Yashi said to him .

" Nothing is ever enough for you ! " Ryo shouted , " You forced me to join a dozen after school clubs . "

" I gave you every chance to succeed in life . Things I didn't get . " Mr Yashi said cooly .

" At the same time !? I had to play soccer , cricket , hockey , basketball , tennis , swimming , gymnastics , wrestling , dancing , cooking and baking . " Ryo said and he grabbed the cup of water infront of him . He still remembered the brutal torture that was his days back then .

He had never worked so hard in his life and he envied those who had not . Milo looked at him in understanding , he had always wondered why Ryo had done so many activities when he was young . It was because of his dad ? That was harsh .

" What kind of childhood was that ? " Ryo asked him , " I was only eight years old . "

" At eight years old , I was already ten . " Mr Yashi said as cold as ever and Ryo squeezed his hand and the cup in his hand cracked .

" There . " Mr Yashi pointed to the cup , " You see that. He has no control over his temper . He is ruled by emotions. I have spent years cleaning up the mistakes he has made . "

" Like when ? " Ryo said .

" There was the time you got angry and kicked a ball that hit the neighbour's car . I had to pay nearly 1 k to fix his window . " Mr Yashi said his eyes narrowed .

" Did that really happen ? " Milo asked and Mr Yashi nodded his head .

" Yes , or that time you sent a child to the hospital ? You were lucky it was only a dislocated shoulder . " Mr Yashi said and Milo swallowed visibly .

Ryo had been a menace . But hey , didn't he already know that from personal experience ?

" Or that time you snuck out , went with your friends to get yourself covered in ink ? " Mr Yashi said and Ryo snapped .

" What did you expect me to do ? You always disapproved of my friends and also , you know why I ran way that day . " Ryo said getting up , " You won't tell me even now and that shows how cold you are . "

" Yes , I detested your friends . They were beneath you . " Mr Yashi said looking at his son , " And tell you what ? What am I keeping from you ? "

" That ... Mother ... Is gone . You still won't tell me . " Ryo said and for a moment Mr Yashi frowned but as soon as his face changed, it turned to his usual cool expression .

" Your mother left us. You are aware of that . I don't mention the obvious. " Mr Yashi said to him .

" No , that mother died ! " Ryo said and Mr Yashi was up on his feet and infront of him in an instant .

" Never say that outloud to me again . " Mr Yashi said in a deadly quiet voice .

" Milo , I believe it's time for you to go home . " Mr Yashi said but his eyes were on Ryo , " You could walk him out Ryomen , if you treat him well . "

With that , Mr Yashi walked out of the room and the two young men looked at him with mixed emotions . Ryo couldn't believe his father had just walked out on him . He'd wanted to say that he knew his mother was dead for over a year now .

Milo on the other hand was feeling guilty . Would any of this have happened if he didn't come ? This had been a mistake from the get go .

This was a bad idea , Milo thought and he lifted his hand to place it in Ryo's . He didn't try to notice that Ryo didn't return the grasp .