Nathan Langley

"UGH, STOP THE NOISE!" Nathan's voice boomed through the classroom, filled with anger. Instantly, a hush fell over the room as everyone froze in fear. Nathan had always been infamous for his explosive temper, and the entire school knew it. What made matters worse was that he had the physical strength to back it up, intensifying the fear that surrounded him.

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, Nathan's only solace came from the friendship he had formed with Ken and Raymond. The three of them were like a tight-knit group of misfits. They didn't know why but they just seem to understand each other.

Raymond, always the peacemaker, attempted to reason with Nathan. "What's your problem, Nathan? It's break time, and they have the right to talk freely," he said, playfully pinching his own cheeks out of habit.

Nathan's frustration didn't waver. "Sure, it's break time, but that doesn't give them the right to make so much noise," he retorted, his voice laced with irritation.

Ken, always the one to reason chimed in. "Raymond, you know it's futile to try and convince him," he said, shaking his head. "Nathan, you really need to find a way to control your anger. It's causing more harm than good."

As their conversation reached its peak, the school bell rang, signaling the end of break time. The three friends reluctantly returned to their respective classes.


"Phew, finally I can go home" Nathan muttered. "Don't beat anyone on your way home this time" Ken said while scruffling his red hair. Raymond just smiled, he was still pinching his cheek. He noticed that Nathan and Ken were staring at him. 

"When will you stop pinching your cheeks?" Nathan asked jokingly. The trio continued laughing and talking for some time before they parted ways.

 Nathan arrived home after a long day at school. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the warm sight of his mother, Vera, with her short black hair and black eyes. "How was school today?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. Nathan, feeling a bit tired, replied shortly, "It was fine."

But as he was about to make his way up the stairs to his room, his father, Brad, emerged from the kitchen, holding a glass of water in his hands. Nathan's curiosity piqued as he asked, "Why are you home early? You usually get home late." Brad let out a sigh and motioned for Nathan to freshen up before joining them in the parlor. Intrigued, Nathan glanced at his mother and older sister, who had just entered the parlor, their expressions blank as if they already knew what was about to unfold.

With a sense of anticipation, Nathan quickly freshened up and made his way downstairs to the parlor. Taking a seat on one of the couches, he was ready to hear what was going on. Brad, with a serious tone, broke the silence, "We are relocating." The words hung in the air, and for a few moments, nobody said anything. Confusion clouded Nathan's mind as he finally mustered the courage to ask, "Why are we relocating? Our house is perfectly fine, and everything we need is here."

Silence filled the room once again as Flora, his sister, and his mother remained silent. It was clear that they had already agreed to this decision. Nathan's mind raced with questions, trying to make sense of it all.

"When I got to the office today. Mr. Shaw called me and he told me that they will not be able to keep up with the payment of workers so they have to drop some of the workers. I'm among those who were dropped" Brad explained. Nathan immediately understood the problem. Mr. Shaw owns the automobile company where his father works and when his father got the job, they were given a house and a car as part of the contract but now that he has lost his job, the house and car will also be taken back.

After a few minutes of discussion, Nathan finally grasped the situation. It turned out that Brad had some savings and was planning to purchase a house in the countryside. He even had plans of starting a business there. However, there was a sense of urgency as they only had three days to vacate their current residence.

Nathan's mind was filled with a flurry of thoughts, a multitude of questions racing through his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if his friends would remain connected with the changes that lay ahead. How would they adapt to this new change of their lives?

Vera, sensing his worry, sought to provide comfort and reassurance. "No need to worry," she said, her voice gentle and soothing. "Even though things may be different, you can still keep in touch with your friends through phone calls and visits when you have the chance."

"I understand that this period might pose challenges for us, but if we stay united, we can overcome them," Brad confidently reassured his family, his voice filled with determination. Nathan silently acknowledged his father's words before going back to his room. Brad let out a deep sigh before looking at Vera. With a nod of reassurance, she conveyed her unwavering support, a silent reminder that they were in this together.

In the blink of an eye, three days swiftly slipped away, leaving Nathan with the weighty task of breaking the news to his friends. As the words escaped his lips, their eyes welled up with tears, their hearts heavy with the weight of nostalgia. Memories flooded their minds, reminding them of the countless moments they had shared together but with unwavering determination, they made a solemn promise to themselves to manage and adapt to Nathan's absence.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived, signaling their departure from the familiar walls of their home. With gratitude, Brad's friend had generously lent them a van to transport their belongings. The journey stretched on for a seemingly endless twelve hours, each passing moment filled with anticipation and a touch of weariness. But as they reached their destination, Nathan's eyes widened in awe and wonder. The sight before him was nothing short of mesmerizing. According to Brad, this beautiful place was known as the lush green village, a name that seemed to capture its essence, even though it surpassed the typical size of a village.

As Nathan stood in awe, taking in the beautiful scene before him, he marveled at the sight of the neatly arranged houses, their presence adding to the overall beauty of the surroundings. However, it was the majestic forest that truly intensified the allure of the place. From his vantage point, he could see the towering trees, their branches reaching towards the sky, adorned with an abundance of lush green leaves.

"Alright, let's get going," Brad exclaimed, his words snapping Nathan out of his mesmerized state. The house that Brad had purchased for their family was a cozy one-story dwelling, perfectly suited to accommodate their needs. With a sense of anticipation, Nathan stepped into the house, his curiosity piqued as he went on a thorough exploration of each edge and angle of the house, eager to familiarize himself with their new house.

"It's good" Nathan muttered. Even though it was not as good as their former house in the city, it was still managable and moreover the beauty of the environment made up for it. "So, I guess we're gonna start a new life here" Flora said with a smile on her face.

A week passed in the countryside, nothing much was happening. Brad and Vera were already getting ready to kickstart their business. But then, trouble came knocking. Just three days into their new home, their neighbor's 16-year-old son, who happened to be the same age as Nathan, carelessly stepped on Nathan's foot without even saying sorry.

 Well, that didn't sit well with Nathan, and he ended up giving the boy a beating. Unfortunately, this incident was just the beginning. Nathan's anger issues continued to cause more similar conflicts, making things quite complicated for everyone involved.

The only place Nathan managed to cool down was the forest. The beautiful trees and fresh air seemed to soothe his mind. 

Just like every other day, Nathan left the house and ventured into the forest, he unexpectedly caught sight of a tiny flash of light. His curiosity piqued, he couldn't resist following the light's path, which led him to a breathtaking sight. There, standing before him, was an incredibly beautiful woman with flowing blue hair and mesmerizing red eyes. 

She exuded an aura of grace and elegance that left Nathan spellbound. Without wasting a moment, the woman approached him, her presence captivating him completely. But before Nathan could even utter a single word, the woman transformed into a beam of light and vanished, leaving him in a state of wonder and confusion. As Nathan was trying to process what happened, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. "Ugh....wha-what is happening?" 

The excruciating pain surged through Nathan's body, overwhelming him completely. He let out a desperate scream, collapsing onto the ground, his strength began fading rapidly. His eyes were on the brink of closing, he felt his body fading away, as if being pulled into another realm. But just before his eyes shut, he catched a fleeting glimpse of something or rather someone in the vast expanse of the sky above. However, in an instant, they vanished without a trace. And then, in an instant, a tremendous blast of energy occured. That was the last thing Nathan saw before his body disappeared.

The entire world went into a frenzy because of the massive blast! It was so intense that every single person on Earth could feel it, causing widespread panic.

Meanwhile, Brad, Vera, and Flora frantically searched for Nathan but he was nowhere to be found. The blast had become the hot topic of conversation, with everyone's guard up. Speculations were rife, with some fearing it spelled the end of the world, while others suspected it to be an invasion. Yet, everyone knew one thing. The world was about to take a drastic turn.