Joey Northstar

"So I'll use this to get a weapon," Nathan said while looking at the energy stones.

"Yes, it will help you kill beasts easier," Siena replied.

Nathan went back to the hall and saw that the students were already coming out.

He quickly joined the crowd of students and they started walking towards the middle of the academy.

A male teacher was in front of them and he wore a bored look on his face.

"Alright, I'll show you all around the academy so follow me," he said.

The students started following him and he showed them places like the library, cafeteria and other important places in the academy.

"Make sure you meet any of the teachers if you have any question. That's all, you all can go back to your dorm rooms," he said before leaving.

Nathan began walking towards the dorm building but suddenly someone grabbed his arm from behind.

Out of instinct, he threw a punch towards the person but he was able to stop before his fist made contact.

"Hey Nathan, it's me Joey." 

It was a girl with light pink hair, pointed nose and a beautiful round face. She had a confused expression on her face.

"That's Joey Northstar. She's a friend I made when I was in control of your body for a year," Siena said.

"Hey Nathan, why aren't you saying anything?" Joey asked.

With no other choice, he had to play along.

"I'm not in the mood to discuss now," he replied.

"Did something happen?" she asked. Nathan has never told her something like that before so she was worried.

"Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk now," he replied angrily. His eyebrows were already twitching. He just didn't have enough patience.

While all this was going on, he could feel the other male students around staring daggers at him.

As a vampire, his five senses were enhanced, so he could hear what they were saying.

"Jeez..... he's so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend."

"He's handsome so it's not even surprising that he has cute girls falling for him."

These things he was hearing ticked him further. Without saying anything, he walked away.

"What did I do?" Joey was hurt by his behavior. 

"Maybe he just wants to be alone," she concluded.

Meanwhile, Nathan was already going to the left side of the academy where the weapon shop was located.

A few selected people were allowed to have shops in the academy in order for students to be able to purchase things.

"How did you even know her?" He asked.

"Before coming to the academy, I usually went to the library close to her house and she also comes to the library frequently so we just became friends from there," she replied.

Now that he reasoned it, the memories from when Siena was in control of his body didn't transfer to him.

"It just became my own memories that's why you don't have them," she answered his question.

"No wonder," he muttered.

He walked into a shop with a signpost near it that read "Felix weapon shop."

"Hey boy, what weapon do you want to buy?" A man that looked to be in his sixties with a bald head and white beards said.

"Can I see the ones you have?" Nathan asked

"Of course, come in," Felix, the shop owner replied.

There were lots of weapons hanging on the wall. Axes, swords, scythe and many others.

Nathan picked the axe and gave it a few swings. He did the same for the other weapons until he finally made a decision.

"I'll take this short sword," he said while pointing at a silver coloured short sword.

"Alright, it's 70 energy stones but I'll give you a discount. So, it's 50 energy stones."

"Why are you giving a discount?" Nathan asked.

"Well, I always give the new set of students who come to this academy a discount for their first purchase," he explained.

"I see, thank you," Nathan said.

He brought out the pouch of energy stones and paid for the sword before walking out of the shop.

He gave the short sword a few swings before putting it in the sheath that came with it. The sheath was also silver in colour.

While going back, he bought a smartphone with the remaining 50 energy stones because Siena told him that he would need it.

He finally reached his room and kept the sword beside his bed. He turned on the smartphone and checked it out. It was different but not hard to operate.

"It's entirely different from the one I know."

"Technology advanced greatly after the blast so lot of things changed," Siena replied.

Suddenly an announcement was made and it could be heard by everyone in the academy.

"Classes has been assigned to every student in the academy so do well to check your phones or you can check the list in the hall to know your class." 

The announcement was brief but everyone could understand it.

Nathan's phone made a beeping sound indicating that he received a message.

He opened it and saw the various classes. He checked for his name and saw that he was in class 2A. 

Is it possible to check for students that attended this academy before?" He reasoned.

"I'll think about that later."

"Classes begin tomorrow so I have time today," he muttered.

"I think it's time for you to tell me about the person I saw in the sky." he continued.

"Just get some rest fi~" Siena was about to say but she was cut short.

"Don't behave as if you're my mother." He snapped.

"And moreover, I promised to help you if you help me, isn't that what we agreed on?" He asked.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll tell you about Sara," she said.

[A/N: This is Nathan's status now.]


[Name: Nathan Langley]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 1]

[Points: [50/100]

[Ability: Elemental Manipulation]

[Health Points: [50/50]

[Strength: 15

[Agility: 15



[Ability Energy: [20/20]

[Blood Energy: [25/25]