Skill Creation

Night passed and day came. Nathan was already wearing his uniform after freshening up. Today was the first class and he had to attend. He went down to the first floor and went straight to the classes. He looked at each doors and he finally saw the one with 2A written on it. 

He entered inside and student were already inside discussing among themselves. His gaze immediately landed on Dan who was sitting close to the front.

A sudden fear rose in his heart after seeing Nathan. He remembered the beating Nathan gave him. Dan averted his gaze and pretended he didn't see him.

Nathan saw a chair at the back and sat down on it. Minutes later, a man that looked to be in his fifties walked into the classroom. He had black hair and a thin build.

"Okay class, my name is Jagger Mayhew and I'm your class teacher. Today, I'll be teaching you guys about skills and how to make them," the teacher said in a calm manner.

Even though Nathan could complete quests and unlock skills through the system, he still listened because it could come in useful to him.

He looked towards his left and saw Joey.

"I hope she won't disturb me today," he thought.

"Firstly, skills are method we use to exhibit our special abilities and all skills are not the same. As you all know, the amount of skills a person has determines how strong he or she is."

Nathan already knew all this after Siena explained the things she read in the library to him.

"Let me be honest, making of skills is not really an easy thing to do. Some take two months or more to make a skill but some talented people take less time," Jagger explained.

Nathan couldn't help but think, if he completed quests fast and unlock skills wouldn't he be considered talented?

He threw that thought to the back of his mind and focused on the teacher.

"Before a skill can be made, you must be able to control your ability energy and shape it. I'm sure most of you here knows about that."

Parents usually teach their children things about ability energy, so it was normal for some to know about it.

"Okay, let's go to the training room," Jagger said.

They all followed him and after some time they arrived in the training room. It was spacious and had mats on the ground.

Nathan knew that each class had their own training room. It just showed how big the academy was. The academy took alot of space in the city.

They all sat down in a lotus position on the mat. That was the method used to see a person's ability energy. Jagger started explaining the process.

It was somehow easy for Nathan because he did something similar with Siena's help last night.

He closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths. He stayed like that for some time before he felt his conciousness slipping away. He finally saw the red energy and the rainbow colored energy but this time he focused on the rainbow energy.

He controlled it and started moving it round his body to understand it.

Jagger started walking around. He was observing each student and correcting them and giving them tips. He stopped in front of Nathan with a amazed expression on his face.

"He's moving his ability energy flawlessly, he doesn't even need my correction," Jagger thought.

"Now, think of the skill you want to create and try manipulation your energy to create the shape of the skill."

"You must understand the skill you want to create then try creating it inside you first before exhibiting it outside. Don't be discouraged if you can't do it now. Just keep on trying," he encouraged the students.

Even Nathan wasn't able to make any progress in the creation of skills.

"I knew it'll be hard but this is intense. It might even take months to create a skill," he said.

"It was also hard for me but with hard work I was able to reach ultimate control," Siena replied.

"That will be all for today, don't forget to continue practicing," Jagger said before leaving the training room. He smiled at Nathan before walking out.

Nathan payed it no heed and walked out of the class. He planned to go to the Area Security Control (ASC) in the academy to see which area he would go to hunt beasts for points.

Dan saw Nathan walking towards the ASC building and thought that he was coming for him. 

Dan immediately left his two friends and made a sudden dash. His friends were confused. Dan didn't tell them that Nathan beat him up.

Nathan got to the ASC building and entered inside. Students were allowed to go to areas to hunt beasts only on weekends.

Nathan was only here to see the terrain he would go to hunt beasts when it's weekend.

He walked towards the counter. A lady with brown hair and eyes was standing there with a smile on her face.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"I want to take a look at the areas to decide which one I will go to in the weekend," he replied.

"Okay, this book contains the different terrains of the areas," she said while giving Nathan a brown-colored book.

He opened it and started looking at all the terrains in the book. Some had lots of trees like a forest while there was also a meadows terrain. He looked at it for some time before handing it back to her.

"Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome, prepare well before going to any of the areas," she said.

"I will." Nathan felt a strange feeling while he was talking with her.

He walked outside the building with a slight frown.

"There's something strange about that lady," Nathan said.

"So you noticed it too, she's strange," Siena replied.

In the middle of Nathan and Siena's conversation, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Uhm…. Nathan, are you okay now? Joey asked.

Nathan looked at her with a straight face.

"I'm fine," he replied shortly.

To be honest, Nathan really wanted to have a conversation and make friends but anytime he remembers his family his expression changes.

"I was just angry a little, that's all," he continued.

"Alright, you can talk to me if there's anything bothering you, we're friends after all, right?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later," Nathan replied before walking away.

"At least he's better than yesterday," she said and also left.

"That's good, at least you didn't shout at her," Siena said.

"She doesn't know that you're not the one speaking so I'll just bear with her for the meantime."

"That's good, so which area will you go to?'

"Area 21, the rocky terrain where the earth bears reside," he replied.

"They have a very high defence, but you'll be able to kill them," she said.

"Yeah, I'm sure, I'll start trying to make a skill now."

Nathan got to his room and say down in a lotus position and started the process of making a skill.

"He'll need friends to help him very soon, so If he can control his anger it will be for the best," Siena said unknown to Nathan.