Finally!! A clue.

Nathan got to his room few seconds later. He was still having mixed feelings about Josh's death.

"You did what you had to, there are some people that don't deserve to live," Siena said.

"I'm not saying you should go around killing people but don't feel guilty for his death. Moreover, he would have killed you if you didn't kill him," she continued.

Siena's words relieved Nathan a little. He sighed and looked outside. He had to attend class the next day. Suddenly, a system notification showed up. 

[You have defeated the enemy]

[You have gained 50 points]

[Number of points: 100/100]

[Congratulations, you are now level 2]

[You have received 3 stat points]

[Points needed to level up: 0/200]

"Even the system recognizes him as an enemy," Nathan said. He looked at the stat points and he was wondering where to put them.

Stat points are used to increase any stat like strength, defence or stamina. For every level up, he receives 3 stat points. Now he was wondering which stat to put it.

"I have enough speed and strength for now. So I'll put one in defence and two in stamina."

Every one stat point added in defence is equal to five health points and every one stat point added in stamina is equal to five blood energy and five ability energy. That's just how important defence and stamina stats are.


[Name: Nathan Langley]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 2]

[Points: [0/200]

[Ability: [Elemental Manipulation]

[Health Points: [55/55]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 15]



[Ability Energy: [25/25]

[Blood Energy: [30/30]

Nathan could feel the change in his body. It was simply amazing.

"You have to make your body able to handle the growth and powers. It's advisable to exercise," Siena said.

Nathan just gave a nod before lying down on the bed. Even though his body was not tired, he was mentally tired so he had to rest.


Students were walking towards their various classes signalling the start of a new day. Nathan quickly freshened up and went down to the first floor before going to his class.

When he entered, students were already sitting down waiting for the teacher.

He avoided all the stares and went to sit down. His eyes and Joey's eyes me for some seconds before he averted his gaze.

Jagger entered the class some minutes later and started teaching. He was still talking about making of skills. 

They went to the training room and started the process. Nathan sat down in a lotus position and started moving his ability energy. 

It was easy and it flowed well. Nathan was ready to start creating a skill.

"So which skill should I create now?"

"I think it would be best if you create the earth pillar skill. It's a good skill that isn't too complex. It can still take months though," Siena replied.

"Earth pillar is a skill that summons a pillar of earth in the user's choice of location. The range increases with the mastery of the skill and increase of ability energy," she added.

"Okay, I'll try that."

Nathan pictured the earth pillar skill and tried shaping his ability energy to create the skill. He gathered the energy in his stomach area and started shaping it.


Nathan opened his eyes and sighed. He only managed to make the energy stable in his stomach area where he wanted to create the skill but he hasn't been able to shape it.

He wasn't discouraged though. He already knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

Jagger started walking towards Nathan with a smile on his face.

"Hey boy, what's your name?" He asked.

"My name is Nathan," he replied.

"I can see you're really talented. You're already able to make your energy stable even though you've not shaped it yet," Jagger said.

"Thank you sir, I just followed your instructions," Nathan said.

"Continue working hard and I'm sure you'll be able to successfully make a skill before anyone else in this class."

"Yes, I will," Nathan replied.

Jagger smiled and was about to walk away but Nathan stopped him.

"Please have you heard of anyone called "Flora Langley?" Nathan asked.

'Oh, yes. She was once a student of this academy but I don't know her whereabouts now," Jagger replied.

"Why are you asking?" He continued.

"She's a relative of mine. Thanks for the info," Nathan replied with a smile. He didn't want to give out too much information.

"Alright, this is all for today's class. From next week, there will be more classes and lessons, so be prepared," Jagger said to the whole class before leaving.

"Yes, she's alive. Even though I don't know where she is now but at least she's alive." 

Nathan was overjoyed. When he was talking with Jagger, Siena suggested that he should ask about his sister and it turns out that it was fruitful.

Nathan walked out of the class with a vibrant smile. Joey saw him leaving and ran up to him.

"Hey Nathan, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine, what about you?" Nathan replied after seeing her.

"I'm okay, can we go somewhere to discuss?" 

Nathan nodded his head in response.

If Siena had a face, a shocked expression would have been on it. She couldn't completely believe that Nathan was having a normal conversation without getting annoyed.

They both went to the academy hall. It was quiet but they didn't enter. 

While they were going, Nathan was thinking about Josh. It was surprising that he still hadn't heard anything about his body or maybe the academy kept it a secret.

"It must be pretty hard for you as a vampire," Joey said breaking the silence.

"Hope you didn't tell your friend?" He asked.

"No, I just told her that I fought him away and she believed me."

"Alright, don't ever tell anyone," Nathan said.

"I won't. Moreover, I made a promise to Nath….. sorry, Siena that I won't tell anyone and I won't break that promise," she said sternly.

"Alright, I'll trust you for now," Nathan said.

"Thanks, so we're cool right?"

"Yeah, we're cool," he replied shortly.

Nathan left Joey and went to his room. The fact that his sister was still alive somewhere gave him joy. He now has to find out where she currently is.

"You really have to stop leaving her behind," Siena said.

"You've done that two times now." She continued.

"Well, I didn't notice but that's not really what I'm thinking about now," he said.

"Don't worry, we know that she's alive now so there's also a chance that your father and mother are alive," Siena said.

Finally Nathan was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. He felt genuinely happy for the first time since he woke up.