
"I don't think I've introduced myself," the man said.

"I'm Jerry. So, make sure to remember that name,' Jerry said while laughing like a mad man.

Nathan and Elysia looked at each other and they immediately knew what to do.

Nathan attacked from the left while Elysia attacked from the right.

With the lightning flash and fire accelerate skills, Nathan was very fast.

The lightning around Nathan's feets made sparking sounds as he dashed towards the Jerry.

"I'll have to say this again, you're really fast," Jerry said.

Nathan swung his sword towards Jerry's head but the he was able to move his head backwards on time.

"You ca~"

[Fangstrike fury]

Nathan's sword had already passed Jerry's head but the tip of the sword suddenly extended and moved like a snake towards Jerry.

"What the fuck?!"

Jerry summoned one of his spikes and deflected the sword but Elysia was already beside him.