
'Tch.....I knew that it would cause a commotion....' Verne thought as he walked through the hallway, towards a door at the end.

He had a slight frown on his face as he squinted his eyes and adjusted his black suit.

The shutting down of the Academies was certainly not planned, so it was bound to cause a commotion, and Verne was already expecting it.

Finally, Verne reached the door that was at the end of the hallway.

He sighed before he opened the door and entered the room.

Immediately, the men and women that were in the room raised their heads to look at Verne who just entered the room.

The room was big enough to contain the large table that was in the center, and also the numerous chairs that were present.

Although, all the chairs except one were currently occupied by the Headmasters and Headmistress of the different Academies in the Stronghold.