Start Of The Battle

In Dan's pair, James, the brown haired boy was the supporter while, Patrick, the green haired boy was the defender. That left Dan as the attacker.

Even though the Rogue Humans surrounded the members of Unit 1, they were still yet to attack. It was as if the Rogue Humans were waiting for the order.

"These Rogue Humans are between Middle Rank and Rare Rank... but this particular one..." Derick muttered.

"You're strong...I can feel it, but that doesn't deny the fact that we're stronger...," the Rogue Human said.

"I gu~"

"Why have you guys returned?" Derick asked, interrupting the Rogue Human.

A chilly smile appeared on the Rogue Humans face, but even with that, Derick didn't even flinch.

"Interrupting me isn't really a nice thing to do," the Rogue Human said.

"I asked you a question." Derick's words were firm, showing no single hint of fear.

"If you're that adamant on knowing, then let's make a deal," the Rogue Human said.