New Feature Of The Training Space.

Nathan was already loving his new skills. Though, he still had some to check out.

The Earth Element skill was a defensive Skill, the Fire Element skill was an attack skill while the Wind Element Skill was an attack skill that could also be used for defence.

Nathan couldn't wait to see his other new skills. He immediately scrolled down the skill tab to see them.

[Lightning Element Skill: Lightning Aura]

[Lightning Aura: The host can envelop himself with the Lightning Aura, creating a field of electricity that surrounds the host, damaging any enemies that come too close]

[Cost: 5 Ability Energy]

"This is a defensive Skill, but I can also call it an offensive Skill." Nathan muttered as he put his finger on his chin, making a thoughtful expression.

If enemies come closer, they'll be hurt by the Aura, so they'll be cautious.

'Well, that depends on their strength or the kind of Ability they have.' Nathan thought.