Talk Gone Wrong

If the Training Space had a battery, the battery would have been dead by now due to the amount of time Nathan has spent inside.

The new feature of the Training Space enticed Nathan so much to the point that he was literally summoning every single person and beast that he has fought before.

He also used the chance to test his new skills and well, he wasn't disappointed a bit.

Right now, a familiar beast was standing in front of Nathan.

The beast had a huge body and black fur, but the most noticeable thing it had on Its body were the tattoos.

Of course, this was the first Rogue Beast that Nathan fought.

The Berserk Gorilla.


The gorilla roared immediately it saw Nathan. The gorilla's menacing red eyes clearly displayed the anger it was feeling right now.

The way the gorilla was even breathing seemed to further confirm its anger.

Nathan smirked as he looked at the way the gorilla was expression its anger.