Conversation Between Sara And Amara

"Well, you can call me Sen. And I'm here, because.....I have a proposal to make. A proposal that'll benefit....the both of us." The lady said.

Sara smiled softly as she heard what the lady said.

"You're quite an interesting individual, aren't you?" Sara smiled.

"Well, it is quite an honor for me to be called an interesting individual by someone as influential as you," The lady said.

"Oh, stop the flattery and state your reason for coming here," Sara said.

"I believe I have done that already," The lady said as she smiled.

Sara scoffed in disdain after hearing what the lady said. She put her elbow on the handle of her throne, and rested her head on her hand.

"And you expect me to believe you?" Sara asked.

"Is there any reason for you not to believe me?" The lady replied with a question of her own.

There was silence for some seconds before Sara spoke.

"There's more than enough reason for me not to believe you..... Amara."