Nathan's Anger Issues & Regaining Conciousness

Nathan clutched his chest tightly as he felt his Ability Energy reacting.

"Could it be....?"

Nathan had a thought about why his Ability Energy was suddenly reacting.

"Could it be that 'person' trying to take over again? Maybe that 'person' is using my Ability Energy instead of my Blood Energy.' Nathan thought.

Suddenly, Nathan felt his Ability Energy go back to normal.

The pain also disappeared and he stopped clutching his chest.

'Its gone!'

Nathan raised his head and saw Joey's worried face in front of him.

"Nathan, what happened to you?" Joey asked worriedly.

"It's nothing," Nathan said as he gazed at the cylinder.

Joey also did the same and the worried look on her face was replaced with shock.

The dead bodies of four Rogue Humans were inside the four cylinders.

"I clearly understand what is going on here." Nathan muttered.