Plan To Escape

Nathan and Ken were ready to fight again, and Jude was busy observing the battle.

His mouth was literally wide open as he turned his head back and forth to look at Nathan and Ken.

Well, you couldn't blame him. After all, the display of power was amazing. He couldn't even imagine how it would have looked like if they were in a more open space.

Since his attention was on the intense battle, he didn't really pay attention to Charles, Mirabel, and Lily.

Charles drew Mirabel, and Lily closer to himself, and whispered, so that Jude wouldn't hear him.

"Guys....I have an idea that can get us out of here." Charles whispered.

Mirabel turned to face her brother after hearing what he said. Lily also looked up to face the both of them.

"Err..... don't you think we should wait for that pink haired girl? I mean, she said she was going to get clothes for us," Mirabel said.