Lena's Mistake & Guards


The sky had already turned dark, and everywhere was now quiet.

Everyone in the bus except Nathan, and Lena were already fast asleep

Nathan and Lena were vampires, so sleep wasn't something that happened often.

They both sat in silence as the bus kept moving.

Surprisingly, the bus driver was also sleeping, but it wasn't actually dangerous, because the he set the bus on auto drive, so the bus was just moving on it's own to Calf City.

Nathan was still pondering about the idea he just had. Since there was nothing else to do, then carrying out his plan wouldn't be a bad idea, but he still needed to get to Calf City to think about it well, and reason the pros and cons of what he was about to do.

As the bus moved, the cool breeze brushed Nathan's face, making him relax well on the chair to enjoy it more.

Though, his movement was restricted due to Flora who rested her head on his shoulder.