Just One Skill

Riya decided to show them just one more of her skills, she didn't plan on showing them much, after all, there were more important things to do, and she didn't want to waste time.

All their eyes were glued to Riya who had already prepared to displayed the skill.

Her wings were awesome, so they were silently expecting that the skill she would show them now would also be awesome.

And well, the time finally came...



"Shit....not again!" Declan couldn't help but exclaim after seeing what was happening in front of him.

The sight in front of them brought back a certain feeling that they had just moments ago, but the only difference was that they didn't try to defend themselves.

"If she's doing this, then the skill she wants to show us is certain related to her wings," Joey said, as she stared at Riya.

At the moment, Riya's wings were extending, without any sign of even stopping.