There's Going To Be A Change

"Shit, I would've supervised the experiments by myself, now I've gotten myself into trouble," Verne said as he adjusted his suit, and stood up from the chair.

He gathered all the books on his table, and arranged them neatly.

He was immensely troubled, after all, in a few minutes, he would be explaining himself to the one he feared the most.

The fact that the two experimental subjects escaped from the Special Unit base was enough to be troubled, and enter a state of panic, but that was not all.

Someone also knew about the experiment, and that person turned out to be Nathan Langley. This alone was very dangerous, after all, knowing about the experiment meant that there was a chance that other people may find out.

"Ugh....what do I do?" Verne muttered, clearly troubled.

With a sigh, he massaged his temples, and held his waist, thinking of what he'll do to get himself out of this.

Though, there was no time again, and he would soon meet her.