
As usual, William and Sophia were staring at the numerous screens in the room that displayed each of the Areas.

Though, from what they were seeing, there were no suspicious movements at the moment, just people hunting beats as usual.

It was really entertaining to watch how the individuals in the Areas killed Beasts with their abilities and weapons, but at the moment, William didn't feel entertained at all.

He turned his head to the right where Sophia, his wife, was sitting with a slight frown on her face.

Before, they would've been smiling right now, and hyping the people that were killing Beasts in the Areas, but now, the situation didn't allow them to do so.

If one looked at Sophia closely, they would see that her stomach had a small budge, and when paired with the way she was getting tired easily lately, there was no doubt that she was pregnant.

Infact, they had already confirmed it, so it wasn't just an assumption.