Verne And Elysia's Discussion

"Verne, can I ask you something?" Elysia suddenly asked.

"Huh? What is it?" Verne asked.

"What do you know about Nathan Langley?" Elysia asked as she stared at Verne straight in the eyes.

"Nathan Langley? Why are you asking about him?" Verne replied with a question.

"Is that important? I want to know about him," Elysia said.

"That's not a valid reason, and moreover, I'm sure you already know about him, so why are you asking me?" Verne asked.

"You were the one who started this conversation, Verne. Now you don't want to continue it again?" Elysia asked.

The once silent set of people suddenly started talking to each other, it was definitely surprising.

'Wait.....I can use this to my advantage, if she wants to about Nathan Langley that badly, then I'll surely benefit from it,' Verne thought as an idea sparked in his head.

He closed his eyes and sighed before opening them again.