Next Course Of Action

Verne widened his eyes as he remembered that Celine and Stella had a certain issue before.

"Uh....uh..... I'm sorry, Lady Celine, but I trust that she'll be able to take care of the Rogue Beasts," Verne said as he found himself sweating.

Celine was silent for some seconds before she spoke again.

"Everything is in place, right?" Celine's asked.

"Yes, Lady Celine, everything is under control, and they're already heading to Area 27 to take care of the Rogue Beasts," Verne said.

"Good, that's all for now, I'll send for you later," Celine said before hanging up....she didn't even wait for Verne to say anything.

"Ahh, I hope this won't bring issues," Verne muttered as he sighed and collapsed on his chair. At this point, he was immensely tired, but he still had alot of things to do.