
Instantly, the battle commended. The members of Unit 2 attacked from the right and left.

Because of that, the Beasts weren't able to react and change trajectory on time, and that put them at a disadvantage.


One of the members rushed towards a Beast Lion and instantly leaped up.

Like a meteor, his sword descended, and instantly stabbed the Lion Rogue Beast, killing it immediately.

"Ahh, they're not really that strong," he muttered, but he then remembered that Stella told them to always keep their guard up, after all, there was a possibility that they would meet stronger Rogue Beasts.

The Rogue Beasts were strange enemies and were unpredictable, so it was good to always be on the lookout for anything's that could go wrong.

Few minutes had passed since the battle begun, and well, it was a massacre. The Rogue Beasts were falling rapidly, getting killed in seconds.