A Certain Thought

The tide of the battle changed immediately Rafael joined.

Not only were the members more confident, but the Rogue Humans were quickly falling.

Rafael's Ability also gave the members of Unit another advantage in this battle.

He created illusions of himself, and they started spreading out in the battlefield, so multiple versions of Rafael were fighting the Rogue Humans all at once.

It would have even been more disastrous if those illusions were also able to create more illusions.

At that point, it would have been a complete massacre, and things would be alot easier for the members of Unit 2.

"We must win this...." Rafael muttered, with a fierce look on his face.


William was staring at the screen in front of him that displayed the battle that was currently going on.

"From the look of things, we'll defeat the Rogue Humans," he muttered as he glanced at his Sophia who was still sleeping.