I woke up and decided to get ready . And when I go to the hall there is no one in there . I think dae hyun is still sleeping. I should go and cook something , I decided to make sandwich and star preparing it. Sitting in dining table loneliness, why?. I suddenly realized that I m going to marry a Vampire. Oh.. forget it. I'm going to late I should be going. I look at dae hyun 's room . And decided to peek .I slowly step near to his room and I hold the handle and suddenly. Dae hyun : Are you peeking in my room? .Me : ohhh... of course not , I just want to know that you are awake or not.
I said in my heart:I guess so. Dae hyun :I was already umm.. never mind so you saw me so keep going and I'm also going so bey. He said it by wearing his coat . Wow what just happened right now I'm standing here and he went. I has to go first. Never mind. I went to Seoul . My grandfather company . Yeah. When I enter there . My friend hinna came by shouting . And told me that Hinna:wow! Hae In our company has an amazing party . Me :say slowly. Hinna :ops sorry I forgot that you r president here . Me :it's ok , now tell me which type of party it is. Hinna : huh.. nice question it is an "Couple of the year party ". Me :that again for what?Hinna: for holidays of course and our director says this now .me :yeah...
Of course company party of couple. Wow wow Hae In. Nice!