It was 7:55 in the morning. Ben was looking outside. A flock of fieries, a type of birds which were bright orange in color and could breathe fire, were flying in the horizon. They were very small and often did not cause any harm. But they were a menace once provoked. It was a beautiful sight and Ben sat there mesmerized. Suddenly he remembered something and his face went dark. The bell for the first period rang. It was history class. A look of exasperation was there in the face of every student.
It was 8:01 AM. A man entered the class. He was more than six foot in height. He had a well groomed moustache. The most surprising part was he wore a martial attire. He had a dark blue round neck shirt and a black pant. On the side of the shirt there were two symbols: LM. When he turned back to place his book on the table, they saw a symbol on the back of the shirt. The symbol of a red color sun surrounded by a red circle. Students were stunned. What the hell was such a high ranking man doing here, teaching children history. He turned back and with a calm voice said, " Hello students, good morning". His voice seemed to have a certain power to it. Each and everyone of them looked at him with rapt attention. It seemed like the air, the benches, the books, and everything in the class was obeying him and turning silent. He continued, " My name is Delvin Hamont. I will be teaching you history of the three planets in the Nova solar system." The students had history lessons in the previous years. But it was limited to the country they were living, not the entire solar system. Although they knew certain things, it was not an extensive knowledge. Delvin continued, " Many of you may be wondering about the need to study the stories of old times. The reason for teaching you history is for a simple purpose. It is to make sure that the current generation will not repeat the mistakes of the previous generation. You are the ones who should lead the country and the planet of Terra to the future and hence these lessons will serve as refrences for you when you make important decisions in your profession and your life." Saying this he turned to the table and took out a device and plugged it into the projection device. The students were still contemplating what they heard. More than the power of the words, it was the power of the man who said it which had more impact on the students. Suddenly all the lights in the classroom turned off and they were drowned in an augmented reality. They were suddenly in the middle of the solar system.