Treating the Chi youngster

Han Yongrui quickened his pace towards the healer's chambers, but he was meticulous enough to not rough handle Chi Weiran. Carrying the younger male in his arms, he watched over him attentively.

When Chi Weiran's punishment concluded, he found the younger male a bloodily beaten mess strewn on the floor of the Sanctuary hall. The Grandmistress lay seated on the floor beside him, her face buried in her hands.

Han Yongrui had reassured her that her youngest son would be attended to with the best healing treatments. The Grandmistress did not respond, only shamefully tilting her head away while her son was carried away.

Han Yongrui wrapped the Chi youngster in a white sheet to protect him against the outside cold. Tenderly, as if cradling a child, the Grandmaster's aide had escorted him away.