Exchanging nicknames

Defeated by the night's wearisome events, Han Xuelian had drifted off to sleep while being affectionately coaxed by Chi Cheng. Sitting upright on the bed in the healer's infirmary, Chi Cheng's gaze warmed as he looked down at Han Xuelian who was peacefully asleep with his head in the younger male's lap.

'What am I supposed to do with you?' Chi Cheng sighed mentally. 'I hope you know I have no intention of loving you and I'm simply going along with your childish demands because I've become soft-hearted.'

The Grandmaster's arms were wrapped around Chi Cheng's waist, revelling in the hearty warmth of the younger male's embrace. Chi Cheng chuckled, baffled by the Grandmaster's sleeping, vulnerable form and the gentle fall and rise of Han Xuelian's chest as he breathed.