Exposed in the hot springs!!!

On the further end of the hot springs which was partitioned by a row of ice crystals embedded in a base of rock, Huo Renyi emerged from the steaming water. After delivering the sword to Han Leixin, the younger male and his brother insisted on the Huo youngster's accompaniment to their Clan's hot springs.

They bickered for a short while before Huo Renyi's reluctance finally caved in and he joined them. The Han brothers first dragged him off to Lord Han Zhimin, ensuring that his injuries were treated and due to them being minor they healed instantly.

He endured their prying questions about his Shuangdao sabers which was Zou Jiayi's signature weapon, displaying a few of his skills for them until they were finally satisfied.

"Brother Huo," Han Jianyu called out after Huo Renyi, cocking his head to the side. "You are leaving so soon? I thought you would like the hot springs because of the heat."