The Han Clan's Archives

Han Xuelian, subjugated by Yu Yusheng's authority, did not have the leeway to deny the Celestial Hunter's Leader access to his Clan's archives. Yu Yusheng requested to see evidence of Jing Ling's retrieved tail, thus the Grandmaster led him to the archives.

Han Xuelian's thoughts raced with the images of Chi Cheng's fearful expression. Although he briefly glanced at the younger male as they encountered each other on the stone bridge moments ago, he was astounded to find that his dear broken jewel trembled in terror.

It couldn't even compare to the fearful reaction Chi Cheng gave him when he first rescued the younger male from the clutches of his scum nephew.

This was not just fear. It was sheer terror for something that clearly left Chi Cheng quivering. And if not for Feng Renxing, the younger male would have undoubtedly crumbled to his knees on the spot.