An unexpected arrival

Heart-warmed by Chi Cheng's lovely smile, the Grandmaster rescued himself from his reveries and approached his dear broken jewel.

"I heard you were captured." Han Xuelian's voice sounded strained as his expression tensed with concern. "They haven't harmed you, have they?"

"I am perfectly well," Chi Cheng assured him. "Yunxiao gēge has always treated me kindly." He shuffled on his feet, shifting aside for the Grandmaster to greet Feng Yunxiao.

The Leader of the Feng Clan's scouts rose from his seat, bowing to Han Xuelian and the Grandmaster nodded a greeting. He had already received word of Han Xuelian's arrival, deciding to seat himself again as he tended to the reports on the table before him.

The Grandmaster's attention was whisked away by the fatherly way Chi Cheng embraced the child in his arms. The familial sight kindled a blazing warmth in his heart as he observed the child's innocent demeanour.