The Interception Begins

Chi Yulan, harnessing the crimson Qi within her, used her Blood Essence to form the blood puppets which were of a similar design to Chi Liwen's. Except her blood puppets were more distinct in their humanoid features, possessing a mind and intelligence of their own.

Her blood, falling in droplets onto the tree branch she stood atop, immediately materialised into six blood puppets. Closing her eyes to concentrate, she clasped her hands together, opening her eyes sharply again with a scarlet glowing hue.

A rune sphere radiating a blood hue surfaced beneath the blood puppets, chaining the six of them on specific runes, illuminating the moment the Grandmistress's blood breached the sphere.

The six puppets' anatomy was altered, morphing into humanoid-sized figures. Their forms were concealed with bloody shrouds resembling hoods, covering their heads and only leaving the obscured bottom half of their formless faces visible.