Don't give up on Jing Ling

Chi Cheng had returned from the interception his father had planned. He carried Zhu Zhiying on his back, leaving the older male in the care of Feng Yunxiao's healer and then parted ways once he was certain the Imperial Court General was out of harm's way.

He returned to Feng Yunxiao's balcony area but didn't expect to find Han Xuelian seated with his eyes closed as he rested back on one of the chairs.

Approaching the Grandmaster, Chi Cheng loomed over him with a warm smile for a greeting.

Han Xuelian savoured the moment he shared with his dear broken jewel the moment his eyes opened. Gazing into the depths of each other's eyes without so much as a word was far more endearing than it should be.

However, the Grandmaster didn't anticipate Chi Cheng's next move. The younger male arched his body forward, bending lower until the plumpy softness of his lips touched the Grandmaster's icy ones.