Let's meet again, mother

Recommended Listening: [Yukihime yuki no hitohara Hitomi kurioshi from anime Hakkenden]

Han Yijun was fortunate to escape his impending doom. When his father prepared a fist to strike him, he didn't expect that his uncle would be the one to restrain Han Zhimin. Contrary to the Grandmaster's attitude towards his nephew, it weighed heavily on him to inflict punishment on Han Yijun.

The younger male never understood the intentions behind his uncle's actions towards him, but at times he believed that Han Xuelian cared more for him than Han Zhimin did.

Aggrieved by the outcome of his attempts to exact revenge on his uncle, Han Yijun sought sanctuary in the hidden haven of the Lotus Lake of the Han Clan's Estate. He seated himself on the soil banks of the water's edge, curling his knees up to his chest while he stared at his reflection in the water.