Temptations behind the snow peaks (semi 18+)

With the finale of the pre-wedding feast, Chi Cheng was exhausted and wearing the traditional attire for hours on end became tedious. However, he refused to disappoint Han Xiaoyan by telling her he preferred to change out of the attire for their journey back to the Han Clan's Estate.

Yet, Han Xiaoyan was a vigilant Imperial Court General who could easily recognise the masked distress on Chi Cheng's expression. Approaching him, she chortled and reassured him that it was perfectly fine for him to change out of the attire.

The Grandmaster shared the same discomfort, except Han Xuelian was unaccustomed to donning extravagant attires for long periods of time. He never took an interest in adornments or hair ornaments either, so he was more than pleased to be rid of the garment hindrances.

Together, Chi Cheng and Han Xuelian sought a private spot behind one of the snow peaks to switch their traditional tires to their casual clan robes.