Courage to admit your misdeeds

Zou Jiayi didn't move an inch when his father embraced him protectively.

His gaze dulled emotionlessly, absentmindedly staring at the snow-covered ground over Chi Cheng's shoulder.

His ears were penetrated by Han Xiaoyan's merciless curses, accompanied by her anguished wails. Relentlessly, she banged her fist against Chi Cheng's back.

The younger male could only endure her raging outbursts, understanding the miserable grief that would plague her for many years as a mother who lost her son.

Zou Jiayi closed his eyes painfully, allowing his memories to consume him. He delved into the past, remembering that his father always stood as a shield to protect him against those he purposely stirred trouble with.

Many of those seeking sanctuary in Jing Ling's humble Beast Conqueror Sect often referred to Zou Jiayi as the 'bane of his father's existence.'