You always belonged to me

Zou Jiayi's heart, whatever spiritual feeling was left of it after his younger brother ripped it out of his chest in the past, clenched worriedly as he watched the Huo youngster's eyes redden with tears.

As if Huo Renyi was the most fragile and vulnerable treasure in the entire universe, Zou Jiayi stood up and slipped an arm under the younger male's knees. He lifted him up, carrying the Huo youngster over to the couch futon near the window. The former Celestial Hunter seated himself first, ensuring that the younger male was firmly placed on his lap.

Huo Renyi didn't object, only confused why Zou Jiayi was treating him so tenderly. Did that mean they were truly going to be killed and the former Celestial Hunter was trying to be nicer with the little time they had left?

Zou Jiayi didn't reprimand him like usual, nor did he cuss at him for being weak and cowardly. The older male simply embraced him, brushing a soothing hand down his back.