Han Jianyu's Sky Burial

Recommended Listening: [Fena pirate_princess_dance_ost_vise_versa]

Han Jianyu's funeral procession was scheduled for the following day, but now that the Sky Priestess from the Sky Temple Sect and Han Xiaoyan's husband arrived sooner than expected, the Han General refused to delay her son's funeral any longer.

Like all deceased members of the Han Clan, Han Jianyu was destined to receive a sky burial. With the preparations completed by the time night had fallen, the funeral procession was carried out within the bounds of the snowy mountain pass leading from the secret part of the snow lotus lake Han Xuelian once showed Chi Cheng.

On an open plane of fields where the snow stretched vastly underneath the Han Zu Guang which was a convergence of energies of the Han Clan's ancestors swirling in the sky, the Ice Sect and Han Clan gathered along with the guests residing at Xue Ling Ridge.