First Celestial State

The following morning, Chi Cheng was the first to rise from slumber. Throughout the night, his two wolf familiars remained on watch in case any of the beasts of Xue Ling Ridge would suddenly pose a threat. However, other than the ear-grating screeches of Border Dwellers further up North, there had been no danger.

In truth, neither Chi Cheng or the Ice Disciples had the pleasures of a quiet slumber. The screeches were far too haunting for any of them to sleep a wink. Now and then, they would awaken after a few moments of undisturbed peace.

The morning cold seeped into their bones and muscles, yanking the lot of them awake from their brief respites from the night screeches.

Blankets of snow piled over the younger disciples who seemed to have slept peacefully through the chaos.