Breaking Bread With The Prince

 Cornelius didn't retreat back to the city, but instead watched the army unit from the clouds to personally confirm that they changed direction and stopped advancing on the city. Unlike the previous incident involving Alyssa's home, the Californians finally took the hint and were finally following their President's orders. The Dark Prince continued to observe as the massive contingent made their way back towards the village they had just destroyed and eventually back towards Denver. The conflict he was afraid would break out had finally been averted, and the big vampire finally let out a deep sigh of relief as more conflict was the last thing he wanted. If the wolves had destroyed this unit, the west coast wouldn't have taken it well and they would have tried to destroy New Lycan. That kind of open conflict wasn't in his or the council's best interests, so as much as Cornelius wanted to see the people who destroyed Alyssa's home suffer for their actions he would have to wait a while longer before getting such satisfaction. Once he was confident things were well again, Cornelius flew back to New Lycan which was just in time as the sun was just starting to creep up over the horizon. It made the flight back a little painful, but it was worth the efforts to make sure a large-scale war didn't break out. He was getting used befriending the furry wolves, and really didn't want to see a good portion of them wiped out. They were doing quite well in their young city, so it was best to not interfere with that kind of progress. Just as the big vampire was making his approach to the roof of the tall vampire tower, there was already a few people waiting for him to return. Gabriel was standing in the shade while Gregor was standing out in the middle of the open space, clearly waiting for him to return. The pack chief didn't seem impressed with Cornelius as he approached the Dark Prince the moment he landed softly on the structure.

 "Cornelius!" the pack chief growled, "You're clearly pushing your luck. No one gave you permission to leave the building and wander about during the full moon!" 

"Apologies, my friend," Cornelius started, choosing to approach him calmly. "As much as I respect your customs and ceremonies, the matter was gravely urgent. If I didn't step in when I did, the future of this city and its customs could have come to an unwanted premature end." 

"How do you know this?" Gregor said, eager to know what he knew. 

"I cannot say," Cornelius said, trying not to offend his comrade. "All I can tell you is that the city and the people you have sworn to protect were all in grave danger, and I couldn't stand by and just let it happen. I can, however, assure you that the threat has been diverted, and the soldiers are all heading back to where they belong." 

"How many of them did you kill?" Gregor asked. 

"No such violence was necessary," Cornelius answered, "I merely made sure they knew what they were dealing with, and once aware they tucked tail and ran back to their own territory. The council has been speaking to their government and have greatly emphasized that this city is under our protection. Any aggression on New Lycan will be seen as an aggression upon Transylvania. We gave their president a final warning, and hopefully he'll make sure this rogue group is kept on a tight leash from here on. As far as I can tell the matter is settled, my friend." 

Gregor couldn't believe what he was hearing, and simply smiled and patted the big vampire on the shoulder. 

"Our people will never know how close war had come to their door," Gregor said, "You can never get the thanks you deserve for helping out." 

"Your friendship, loyalty, and good company are all the thanks I require," Cornelius replied, as he was at his diplomatic best. "Be aware that I would never knowingly breach your rules unless I deemed it unavoidable. The safety of your people was too important to risk, and I am sure you'll agree with me there." 

"Your motives were true, my friend." Gregor agreed, "And I will tell the other chiefs your travels had my blessing in these extraordinary times." 

"Much appreciated," Cornelius said, as he started to walk towards the door. "But if you don't mind, I'd like to get inside and away from the approaching sun." 

"Of course," Gregor said, as he understood. "I will take my leave and inform he other chiefs what happened this night and that the threat is gone. Thanks again, your majesty." 

"I was happy to help," Cornelius said, with a half bow. "If such assistance is needed to protect your city, both myself and my brother are here for you." 

Cornelius broke away from his friend and walked over to the shade that Gabriel was using to stay out of the sunlight himself. The young vampire was standing there with his arms folded, as he also didn't seem impressed with Cornelius' actions during what was the sacred ceremonies of New Lycan. 

"You told me never to fly at night during a full moon?" Gabriel reminded him. 

"I said it wasn't recommended," Cornelius corrected him, "And this night was a clear exception that couldn't be avoided. Trust me, if Gregor is cool with what I did tonight then you should be too." 

"Where are they?" Gabriel asked, "Are those bastards still alive?" 

"They are," Cornelius answered, "But they are finally following orders, and are retreating back to Denver. The matter for the time being is taken care of." 

"Oh, just like that?" Gabriel said, sounding a little bitter. "So, nothing happens to those bastards after what they did to Alyssa's people. Is that fair?" 

"It is not," Cornelius confirmed, "But I can assure you more than nothing is going to happen. The council contacted the President of California and pretty much read that idiot the riot act." 

"Oh, they did?" Gabriel asked, rather surprised to hear it. 

"They did," Cornelius continued, "They made it quite clear that if this band of rogues didn't turn back or made any aggression on New Lycan, that it would be considered an act or war. I don't think California wants to pick a fight with the armies of Transylvania, especially since they have no idea how large our home has expanded over the last few decades." 

"Yeah, that's a development I doubt they'd like." Gabriel agreed, "Let's get back inside. Even in the shade the light is getting to me." 

"I'm surprised you're up at all," Cornelius confessed, "Is Alyssa still sleeping?" 

"She is," Gabriel answered, "After all she's been through, I think she'll be resting for a while." 

"Good, let her rest." Cornelius said, as he walked through the door and out from the bright outdoors. "I'm thinking of resting a little myself. The last few nights have been rather taxing one me. I suggest you get some more rest yourself, as I plan to go out tonight and celebrate the saving of this furry city." 

"Alright," Gabriel said, as he didn't feel like opposing the idea. "I think that is something worth celebrating. I'll see you later tonight." 

Both vampires went back to their rooms and went to rest for the day, getting the strength and energy back while waiting for the darkness to return. While they were both resting up, Alyssa was the first of them to wake. She had been asleep over over a day and a half but rose from her rest about an hour before the sun went down over New Lycan. She roamed around her room, and she could sense that everyone else was still asleep, so she decided not to bother anyone. Working mostly off of memory, Alyssa took the elevator to a specific floor and slowly walked towards the same dining hall within the vampire tower that she and Cornelius dined in together mere months ago. The head waiter bowed towards Alyssa when he saw her approaching the hall.

"Good evening, madam." The waiter started, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to eat." Alyssa said, hoping that would be enough.

"Will anyone else joining you?" the waiter inquired.

"No, it's just me." Alyssa answered, "My master is still sleeping."

"I see," the waiter said, scribbling something down. "And who is your master?"

"Oh, his name is Cornelius." Alyssa said, rather casually.

The waiter stopped writing and looked back up at her, almost in the state of shock upon hearing the name she dropped.

"The Dark Prince?" the waiter asked.

"Yup, that's him." Alyssa said.

"Follow me, please." The waiter said, grabbing a menu and leading the way into the dining hall.

As she followed the waiter into the hall, Alyssa was surprised to see there were a sizable number of diners in the hall this time. She wasn't used to seeing so many patrons, but the last time she dined here with Cornelius it was during the day. Many of the vampires dining were also just waking up to start their nights, so it made sense this was a busier time in the building. The waiter guided Alyssa to a very nice-looking table and placed the menu down on the table and pushed the chair out for her.

"Thank you," Alyssa said, sitting down.

"While you're looking at the menu," the waiter started, "Shall I get you something to drink?"

"I'm not sure what to order," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "I'm very much new to all this. What would you recommend?"

The waiter knew what she was talking about and paused for a moment. "I would recommend a bottle of this type of blood," the waiter answered, pointing to a specific part of the menu.

"I'll pass on the blood for now," Alyssa said, as she still wasn't ready. "I'll just have some wine and a little time to find something to order."

"Of course," The waiter said before bowing and departing. Alyssa was looking at the menu and trying to figure out what to buy when the waiter returned with a glass of white wine.

"It happens to be his lordship's favorite," the waiter informer her, "It's also one of our finer tasting bottles and well worth it's price."

"I'm not sure how I can pay for this," Alyssa honestly informed him.

"There's no need," the waiter informed her. "I checked your master's file, and there is a standing tab already set up for you, Miss Alyssa. You may order whatever you like, and it will be billed to your master."

"Alright, thank you." Alyssa said, pointing at a specific item on the menu, "I'm also going to take this item right here."

"A wise choice," the waiter said with a smile as wrote it down.

The waiter left her table and gave her time to relax. He returned moments later with not only the special bottle of wine that she ordered, but also with two appetizers to begin her meal.

"I didn't order these," Alyssa informed him.

"I'm aware," the waiter replied, "I'm just following orders."

Alyssa was about to ask who had ordered them, but the waiter left the table before she got a chance to ask. Rather than turn away free food, she started to nibble on one of the appetizers while sipping her drink. Both of them made a very interesting combination, but she was just relieved that food still tasted good. Alyssa had feared that she would stop eating like Gabriel and was glad that while she didn't need it to live, she was still able to enjoy food and a meal with people. She was actually enjoying her meal when someone walked over to join her, and she grinned as the mystery was solved. As Cornelius sat down at the table, she gestured to the spread before them.

"So, you ordered this?" she asked the Dark Prince.

"I did," Cornelius said, pouring himself a glass.

"How did you know I'd be down here?" she asked him.

"That's my secret," Cornelius answered, "One that prefer to keep to myself for the time being. I will let you in on it when you're ready."

"Fair enough," Alyssa said, stilling nibbling. "You can keep your secrets."

"I see you're still able to enjoy human food," Cornelius said, as he also took a piece of the appetizer and ate it. "It's nice to know that I won't be dining alone in the foreseeable future."

"I'm glad about that too," Alyssa said, "How come Gabriel doesn't eat?"

"None of us have to eat," Cornelius confessed, "But for some reason, certain vampires from different time periods just lost all desire to eat what wasn't necessary. I can't explain why, but for now it just means more for us."

"Is there anything that we cannot eat?" Alyssa asked.

"That's a good question," Cornelius replied, "We are unable to drink or feed off the undead. For some reason we react to their blood as if it's poison and even die if exposed to enough of it. So, I'd recommend staying away from their blood. The same goes for foods that are enchanted."

"Who enchants foods?" Alyssa asked, even the answer should have been obvious to her from the start.

"Witches," Cornelius informed her, "You didn't know it, but you were consuming a lot of enchanted foods at your village. That witch you sister really connected with was enchanting your vegetables and meals, so you'd get more energy and strength from it. It's a nice trick the witches like to do, but some of it can be harmful to vampires if we happen to consume too much of it."

"What about the meal she served us and the other witches?" Alyssa inquired, "You didn't seem to have a problem with that."

"It wasn't enchanted," Cornelius told her, "The witch there knew better than to serve a vampire enchanted food, so she didn't do that for our meal that night. She didn't want it to be misunderstood as an attempt to harm us."

"I see," Alyssa said as she paused when the waiter returned to serve more food. She looked at the waiter as he served, and then after he left she looked back at Cornelius with a puzzled look on her face.

"What?" Cornelius asked, despite knowing what was going through her mind.

"How?" Alyssa asked, "You ordered all this before I came down. How did you know I would be down here and at this exact time?"

"It's not that hard," Cornelius said, taking a bit of his new food. "I merely made the order before I went to bed and asked the staff to start cooking it the moment one of us arrived. I knew one of us would be up and hungry, so I made plans."

"You're not telling me everything," Alyssa added.

"No, I'm not," Cornelius confirmed, "But there are somethings that I need to keep to myself, and for good reason. Masters are not required to be fully up front with their underlings. I promise to change that when the situation demands it."

"When might that be?" Alyssa inquired.

"That will depend on your powers," Cornelius explained, "There are a lot of powers that I possess, some that I don't tell anyone about. If you start developing some of them, then I will reveal all and teach you how to properly use them."

"How many powers do you think I'll develop?" Alyssa asked.

"I'm confident you'll inherit a few," Cornelius confessed, "And some will come quickly to you like flying while others will develop over time. How many powers you gain depends on who your master is and how old that vampire is. As one of the oldest vampires on this planet, you have the potential to be quite powerful."

"Is that why you stepped up to change me yourself?" Alyssa asked, "So that I could be more powerful?"

"That's one reason," the big vampire concurred, "But not the only reason. There are certain rules and regulations that have to be followed for both master and subordinate, and if Gabriel had become your master there could have been conflicts. With me as your master, those conflicts will no longer apply."

"What conflicts?" Alyssa asked, slightly confused.

"Not that important at the moment," Cornelius answered, "Just know that I stepped in because it was the right thing to do. I also want you to know that I do not take my responsibilities here lightly, and that I will treat you as if you were my very own. I treat my underlings like children."

"I'm not a child," Alyssa reminded him.

"What I meant to say," Cornelius continued, "Is that I try act more as a father figure to those I turn rather than a master. I will take care of you and protect you now as if you were my own daughter. I take it as my duty to properly train you so that you can take care of yourself for the decades and centuries ahead of you."

"Decades and centuries," Alyssa repeated, as she just started to realized that her lifespan just increased tenfold, if not higher.

"Even a few millennia are possible if you're careful and take care of yourself." Cornelius said as he could tell what she was thinking about.

"How old are you exactly?" Alyssa asked, eager to know.

"To be honest, I don't know the exact date of my birth." Cornelius started, "But I know it was over seven thousand years ago."

"Oh my," Alyssa said, "That's a long time to be alive."

"It is," Cornelius agreed, "The world has changed a great deal during those times, but I was not awake for all of them."

"You slept like your father is now?" Alyssa asked, "For how long?"

"The first time wasn't that long," Cornelius confessed, "Only two centuries. The second time I slumbered was for over six hundred years. Both times I woke up ravenous and drank blood for days before I got my wits back about me."

"What the longest someone has ever slept?" Alyssa asked.

"I believe the record is just over a two millenniums." Cornelius answered, "But we don't exactly measure them or keep records."

"How long has your father been asleep?" Alyssa asked.

"To me if feels like he went down yesterday," Cornelius answered, "But the truth is he's been down for at least several hundred years. He went to sleep just before things really got wild here and completely missed what I honestly believe might have been the peak of humanity. Just before everything all went to hell thanks to the rise of the undead."

"That is an interesting time to rest," Alyssa commented, "How do you think your father will react to this zombie matter when he wakes up?"

"Personally, I think he'd get a kick out of it," Cornelius honestly answered, "He'd be fascinated by it for a little while, but beyond that I'm not too sure. That's why the council is looking into the matter as they're afraid of how father might react if he woke up in such a dire world that is on the brink of extinction."

"So, it's a bit of a toss up." Alyssa said, sipping her drink.

"That's one way to put it," Cornelius concurred, "Let's finish up, and get out of here. I feel like taking a walk."

"A walk?" Alyssa repeated.

"I know Gabriel wanted to gather supplies for your place in Nashville," Cornelius said, "And since the ceremonies are all complete, I thought we'd get out of here and do a little browsing, gather some stuff."

"Oh," Alyssa said, "You're taking me shopping?"

"Of course," Cornelius said, smiling back at her. "Since everything you own was destroyed, we do need to address your wardrobe issues."

"I'm sorry," Alyssa said, almost choking on her food. "Wardrobe issues?"

"I don't mean to come across as rude," Cornelius continued, "But from here on almost everything you do reflects upon your master, who happens to be royalty. Everyone will be looking at and judging everything, even what you wear."

"Oh crap," Alyssa said, as she had forgotten that little tidbit that Gabriel had said earlier in the week. She represented royalty now, and even what she wore was going to reflect on the Dark Prince, which made sense in a way.

"I'm not going to tell you what to wear," Cornelius said, "But I will point you in the right direction to what is appropriate and let you decide on your own from there. So, your wardrobe will still be your own, kind of."

"Well, to be fair," Alyssa said, as she pushed her plate away, "That was a lot more reasonable than I thought it was going to be. The last thing I want to do is be an embarrassment to you, considering that you saved my life. So, you can take me shopping and considering how long you've been alive your suggestions will be noted and greatly appreciated."

"That's the spirit," Cornelius said, pleased with her mature response. "Does the fact that I'm buying also help?"

"Of course, it does." Alyssa said as she stood up, "Let's get going then."