Chapter 1: Knowledge

Chloé could barely see while consulting the campus map. She was trying to locate her last class for the day but the heat from the late August sun was causing sweat to drip her eyes. After wiping her forehead and blinking the stinging liquid out of her lashes, she checked the map once more.

"Ah ha!" she said. A sweat droplet had darkened a section of the paper making the location easier to see. After realizing how far it was it looked like it may take a few minutes to get there. She'd better hurry.

Psychology of Health was her final class for the day and if she didn't find it soon she was going to be late.

After walking by a newly renovated area she was relieved when she found Claus Hall set in the back of campus. Upon entering through the double doors she walked to the elevators, then sighed in frustration. They were shut off.

After taking four flights of stairs in the stuffy humidity, she found room 402. She picked a seat in the back and sat down with a thump, then peeled one of her pink and blonde strands of hair from her damp neck. Shortly after, her professor walked in.

As soon as he walked by Chloé's desk, she picked her head up in curiosity. She studied him as he moved some stray papers off the top of the front desk, putting them inside one of the drawers. Then, he carefully placed his bag on his desk and opened it, pulling out his laptop.

Even from her far vantage point, she could see that the professor had a youthful quality to him. His body was thin, yet muscular, and the energy he exuded was upbeat and perky. Chloé found herself drawn to the electricity he was emanating. It was like she was running on the same current as him.

Despite his youthful vibe however, she noticed that he was several years older than her, which didn't deter her. A feeling of titillation filled her, imagining the experience he must have. It would be thrilling to have an older man compared to the ones her age.

The single feature that captivated her most was his hazel-green eyes, as they appeared to shimmer between golden-amber and sea-green. They had a penetrating nature, though she suspected that may be subjective. It was as though he could see through her but that couldn't be possible … or could it?

When she finally drug her eyes away from his face, she could see that the top button of his shirt was open. The onyx hair on his chest matched the color on his arms, which crawled upward, mixing with a layer of light sweat. He was probably dying for the tiniest respite from this heat but had to remain as professional-looking as possible.

As he picked his head up and scanned the class, Chloé's eyes met his. It felt like the wind was sucked out of the room leaving only the two of them in a vacuum. Chloé hadn't felt anything like this in her adult years, if ever. The closest thing was when she was a hormone-besodden teenager, but even that scarcely compared.

She wondered if he felt it too.

The professor flipped the laptop open and began to type. Chloé watched how he held his hands on the keyboard with a refined, yet masculine touch. Once logged in, he stood up, making sure the computer was mirroring his notes and bullet points on the projector. Then, he began to stroll up and down each aisle of the four rows of seats. There had to be at least thirty students in the classroom.

When he finally headed toward her, she felt her heart begin to pound, thumping against her ribs. She couldn't believe he had such allure. She loved how he had her undivided attention so soon.

'I hope I don't smell as sweaty as I feel.' Chloé pressed her arms down tightly making sure to minimize any potential offensive odor.

What was he doing, anyway?

"I'm checking to see if we can fit more desks in here. There are more people who signed up and we're pretty packed."

'What the? Did he read my mind?' Before she had time to question their momentary mind-meld, he returned to the front of the class.

"Good afternoon, all. Welcome. I am Professor Hakkan, and this is Psychology of Health, 368. Most of you have been through your undergraduate psychology courses, yes?" he asked. Several students murmured in affirmation, some raising their hands. Chloé should have provided one or both responses, but her focus was now on his accent, which she couldn't place. It sounded sexually enticing with the way it rolled off his tongue but maybe she felt that way only because it was something she'd never heard before.

The professor counted the students' raised hands, then said, "That's what I thought, which means this is one of the last classes you need for your major requirement. Otherwise–and let's be honest–you wouldn't be here."

The class responded in unison with a light chuckle.

Chloé silently thanked the psychology department for making her take this course. But who was she kidding? Requirement or not, she wasn't going anywhere.

"Something to know with future classes ... We won't waste our time reading slides word for word. My best guess is that you don't like that, and I know I don't. Unfortunately, we've all had to endure it at some time or another, haven't we?" The class snickered with several students nodding.

"I promise here, my aim isn't to bore you silly. I want you to keep coming back, especially if you need this class to graduate. But, if you do find that things need changing or if you don't feel challenged, email me or speak to me after class. I'll take your suggestions seriously."

Chloé had to stifle a laugh. As if he could be boring! She'd swoon listening to him read the Oxford dictionary.

"Now that we have that established, today is going to be light, as it should be. Let's introduce ourselves, with your name, and why you're here, and when we're done, class will be dismissed. How does that sound?" His smile was infectious as he confidently held his hands together.

Everyone got behind that plan with enthusiasm.

"As I said, I'm Professor Hakkan," he said, leaning against the desk. "I came to the United States three years ago from Türkiye, formerly known as Turkey. I'm here because I love instructing on this subject. I have my psychology doctorate otherwise known as a Psy D., with a focus on health and psychiatric disorders."

Chloé had wanted to get her Psy D. or at least her master's, but it wasn't going according to plan. So many obstacles had popped up along the way. She knew she shouldn't blame her sister and her repeated legal issues, but they couldn't be discounted either.

Once the professor moved on, introductions continued around the room but when it was Chloé's turn, she felt tongue-tied. As she stared into his seductive eyes, he leaned back slightly, his hands pressed against his desk, his fit body on display. All that she could think about was what he looked like under those clothes.

While trying to figure out what to say, she searched for a wedding ring or tan line of one. There was neither. Was he specifically built this way, purely to tempt her? She swallowed, her saliva nearly gone from nervousness but finally, she spoke.

"Ch-Chloé Masters," was all that came out of my slightly parted lips. When she didn't say anything else, he prompted her.

"Well, hello, Chloé Masters. What brings you to my classroom?" She wondered if he had any idea how sultry his normal speaking voice was.

"It's one of my final courses to graduate," she said.

"Then I'd best make this worth your while, shouldn't I?" Her mouth dropped open imagining the possibilities, but then he smiled warmly, waving at her in jest. "I'm kidding! I know you're only here for those final three points, but hopefully, the material will make it interesting," he paused. "Oh, and, congratulations, by the way."

'Congratulations? Oh, right. He must have meant graduating. Here's hoping.'

Before the professor moved on, their eyes lingered. The next student began speaking as he stole one more glance at Chloé. While Chloé basked in his attention, she did find it rude that he wasn't listening to the next person ... but he surprised her. Not missing a beat, he pointed out some commonalities he and April Gallagher had in common.

Smart and attentive. What a lovely combination.

When the final student had introduced himself, Professor Hakkan stood up and pointed to his office hours, stating they were on the board and in the syllabus.

Chloé wondered if these furtive glances from him were significant or all in her head.

'What would I do if he actually … liked me?'

While watching the professor, she noticed a student walking up to him with her head down while glancing at her book. When she lifted her head to meet his eyes, the student jumped in fright. When he glanced at her curiously, she slowly backed up and rushed out the door. What was that about?