When she opened her eyes, she heard her keys jingle. There he was, holding them with one finger. The keys dangled and he shook them as if trying to get a pet to eat a treat. Her moment of silliness was gone now that he was there.
Chloé stood up, hoping that this wouldn't be like the encounters she'd had with him in the past. After he had asked her out for the fiftieth time, she finally told him no. Ever since then, he had been behaving like an entitled brat. The last time they spoke, he refused to let her park in her own spot and she had to get Marie, the apartment manager involved.
"Oh, thanks, Joel. I was looking for those." She tried to keep her tone cheerful, masking her rising fear. Joel was bigger than her in height and weight and his obsessive nature frightened her.
"I guess so," he remarked dismissively. She rose to her feet and reached out for her keys, but he yanked them back. Trying to figure out how to appeal to him, she showed him her broken heel, but he was only interested in looking down her shirt. There was a piece of her that considered slapping him, but that wasn't who she was. Plus, he'd probably go off the rails.
"What do I have to do to get my own keys back, Joel?" she asked in frustration. He was about to say something when Marie walked by. Perfect, he was afraid of her.
"Is there a problem, here?" Marie asked. She was an older copper-toned woman, with a round but firm body and was not about to take anyone's shit.
"No, Marie. No problem." Joel looked as frightened as he sounded.
"Get the hell out of here boy or I'll make sure you're out on your ass the next time you're even an hour late on rent. Do you hear me?"
Joel dropped the keys and rushed off to his apartment. Marie walked over to Chloé and picked the keys up for her.
"I swear to Christ, every day they just get to be more and more unruly. In the south–lord knows there wasn't much I liked–at least we learned some manners."
"Thanks, Marie," Chloé said. Marie placed her hand on Chloé's shoulder with a pleasant smile.
"You're welcome," she said, then repeated it louder. "See? Manners!" she hollered toward Joel's open window. Chloé thanked her again. Marie waved and left, still muttering expletives under her breath.
Chloé couldn't help but laugh about the entire situation. It had almost made her forget to check her phone. Almost. Eagerly, she sat down and pulled the preview down to read the full message.
"I had a great time with you, Chloé Masters. I'd like to do it again."
Chloé forced herself to wait another five minutes and then messaged him back.
"I'd love to see you again."
When she didn't hear anything back, she assumed he meant another time until he texted back, "How about tonight at the martini bar on the water?"
Chloé's heart skipped and she held the phone tightly to her chest. Immediately, she pulled it back hoping the pressure against her skin hadn't accidentally sent a garbled message. When she saw it hadn't, she sent her reply.
"What time?"
"8 pm?"
"See you then :)"
While it was closer to fall the days were still long and when they met at the martini bar, the sun had only gone down an hour before, leaving a slight light still in the sky. He led her inside, grazing her back delicately just as he had at the coffee shop. When she asked him what he was going to order, he said he was simple.
He liked a dirty martini, and she ordered the same. She'd had one before that was hard to get down but maybe tonight, things would be different. When the bartender passed the drinks to them, they were in wider than traditional cocktail glasses.
When he picked up his drink, he expertly took a sip without spilling a drop. Chloé was not so fortunate. As she slurped, some dribbled onto her red shirt. He noticed, without hesitation, rose from his stool, and took a cocktail napkin to help.
He stood close to her and lightly wiped the clear liquid off her shirt. When she glanced up at him, his hair was falling forward making him appear extra handsome. As he was busy mopping her spill, their eyes met. She felt like she was sparkling with bright light inside her whenever they were looking at each other. As he pressed the napkin to her neck, he gave her a lovely smile.
Neither spoke. She enjoyed how being close to him created a momentary bubble, protected from anything that was bad. He seemed like the kind of man who would take care of her. It wasn't because he felt he had to, or to put on a show, but because he wanted to.
When he took his seat beside her, their magnetism was undeniable. He slid his chair closer to her where they were almost touching. They toasted once she drank enough to safely not spill again.
A few drinks later, they were feeling good and decided to leave. While walking, he delicately brushed the tips of her fingers with his. When they arrived at his car, she recognized the black BMW from the older years before they began to look too plastic-y.
"This car matches you."
"What do you mean by that?" he asked, his smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"It's classy, refined, yet still–"
"Fun?" he asked. She grinned and nodded. "C'mon and have a look." She slid in after he opened the door for her. Once in the driver's seat, he said, "I can get us home tonight."
"What should I do about my car?" she asked him. "I need it tomorrow."
"I'll take you back down here."
"Yes, of course." He leaned over the steering wheel with one arm, facing her. The sky was dark now and the streetlights that had flickered on had a slightly green hazy halo. She could see how they shone through the windshield and reflected on his left iris.
Chloé noticed how his hooded eyes made him appear slightly softer, even sultrier than the boys from her past. That was just the thing … They were boys, and he was a man. That realization spread across her consciousness, speeding up her breath, as she was suddenly aware of how he was looking at her. When he leaned into her space, she knew what was about to happen yet there was no way to prepare her for the feeling of his mouth.
He closed the distance between them but paused just as he was about to make contact. When she didn't back away, he moved his mouth closer. His lips brushed over hers placing a single kiss, then he sat back to see her reaction.
She covered her mouth and blushed. Every sense of hers was instantly alight now that he had touched her. It felt like time had slowed down. She couldn't control how hard her heart was pounding from the exhilaration.
"Was that alright?" he whispered. His hazel-green eyes were searching her face, with apparent concern. She nodded and smiled completely tongue-tied. He reached to her and held her right cheek in his left hand. The temperature of his fingertips was higher than that of her skin, as they dotted her face with warmth.
He slid in closer and kissed her again. This time it was deeper and their tongues were floating along one another's. Just as she was leaning into him, about to reach up, he broke away. Shocked, she stared at him looking for some sort of clue. Had she turned him off?
"Is it my breath? I know alcohol can make–" she stopped abruptly when he leaned toward her again. This time their mouths were nearly inside one another's. His hands were stroking her cheeks and then he gripped her jaw. When he pulled her toward his seat, he accidentally tapped the horn which startled them.
"I'm glad I didn't bite you!" Chloé said with a quiet giggle. He chuckled with her.
"I wouldn't have minded," he commented, causing her to giggle. "You're lovely, but let's not do this in this way. I'll take you home."
Chloé sat back trying to hide her disappointment. He already wanted to drop her off. When they got closer to her place, she gave him directions. He glanced at her then shook his head once in confusion.
"Why are you giving me directions?" he asked.
"My home. Apartment, I guess. It's this way."
"Oh," he said, laughing softly. "I meant my home." He placed his palm on his chest and glanced at her while turning toward the house. "Unless," he began. "That isn't what you want, and I have been confused in thinking otherwise."
"You weren't confused. I promise," she blurted out, unable to hide her excitement. She watched him turning the steering wheel, his styled hair moving as he confirmed with a nod and a bright smile. Then, they pulled into one of the higher-end homes. He turned the car off and gazed at her for a moment.
"We must be quiet. My nephew is still a baby. That's my sister's only rule when we get inside, okay?" he asked, raising his eyebrows once. Chloé nodded. They slipped out of the car quietly but when she slammed her door, he glanced at her and winced with a smile.
"You said inside," Chloé whispered.
"You're right. I did," he whispered back. "Come with me." He walked closer to her and brought his arm around her. After rubbing her shoulder once, he took out his keys and attempted to unlock the door.
He motioned for her to quiet down, but neither could stop. Then they heard the door unlocking from the inside. Kemal stood at attention and put on a serious face. He glanced at Chloé and winked at her.
Chloé felt dread as though she were about to meet a boyfriend's overbearing mother.