Chapter 12: He's Here!

"What do you want to know? He taught a few classes but now he's gone. Why do you want to talk to me?"

"How well did you know him?"

"About as well as I know any of my professors."

"I don't think that is the case."

"Again, what do you want to know?"

"Are the two of you having an affair?"

Chloé laughed at first, but then anger saturated her soul. What difference did this make to anyone at the school now that he was gone?

"I don't see why that's relevant."

"Firstly, faculty shouldn't be dating students. Secondly, I've heard rumors that he had more than one person in his office and engaged in sexual activity on campus. He just left this university. Maybe it was to avoid a scandal. I need to know if that is the case."

Chloé wasn't falling for the 'more than one person' bait. She was the only one Kemal had in there and they were in love. Despite her having to lay down on his sandy carpet, she was honored he chose her.